Chapter 9: Chapter 9
~~~~~~~~~~~~~POV Natsu ~~~~~~~~~
It's been about 4 days since I took those tests and yesterday Mom had to do something and left Haru to watch over Aki and me.
Which is odd, I have never seen her leave us alone like that. She was only gone for about 2 hours and when she got back, she looked tired.
After she got back the day proceeded like normal but once the weekend rolled around she called for a family meeting
I have no idea why we would need a family meeting
Right now Mom, Haru, Aki and me are currently sitting around the dining table
Mom lets out a loud sign before addressing us
" Kids I need to tell all of you something very important "
Mom has a very serious face on right now the only other time I have seen her like this was during the parent-teacher conference
" Haru and Aki your brother has been given a special opportunity to move up to the third grade "
The table is filled with a silence. I was not expecting her to drop the news like this but only the third grade?? I guess not learning history or my Japanese properly came back to bite me in the ass
I look over to my sisters to see that Haru is looking at Mom like she is a idiot and Aki has her hand up wanting to ask a question
" Yes Aki "
Hearing mom give her the go ahead she puts her hand down and asks
" Does that mean I will see Natsu at school now?? "
Before Mom can respond Haru answers for her
" No idiot he is still staying at his school, he is just in your grade now "
Aki looks mad after what Haru called her
" I'm not a idiot Haru it was a good question "
Haru was about to respond before Mom cut her off
" That's enough you two, I called for a family meeting to talk about something important not to hear you two bicker "
After getting yelled at both of them clam up
" Sorry Mom "
" Sorry Mom "
After mom hears their apologies she continues talking
" Besides your little brother moving up to the third grade he will also be taking special classes and having weekly counseling sessions "
After Mom is done speaking silence creeps in again
What in gods name does she mean by "special classes" and why the hell would I need weekly counseling??
" Mom why do I have to take special classes and have weekly counseling?? "
Mom's expression shifts a lot like she's trying to find the right words
" Well my little Prince the school thinks you're more special then most a- "
Before she can continue Haru cuts mom off
" Wait Natsu's school thinks he is retarded or something "
I can only look in horror hearing what Haru says
" HARU "
Mom yelled Haru's name making her go stiff as a board
" One more outburst like that and I'll ground you for a month "
She is giving Haru the same icy death glare that she gave miss Yuki during the parent-teacher conference
She makes us stew in the silence as we wait for her to continue speaking
" No your brother's School does not think he's special needs, they believe he's just antisocial and the special classes are so he can take advanced classes "
After she is done clarifying things she looks around as if waiting for someone to cut her off again
" And as for the counseling sessions. They are to see if anything does need addressing "
After she's done speaking this time she takes a second look around at us and seems to calm down a little
" Now do any of you have any questions "
I start to zone out so I can clear my thoughts
So now I am being moved up to the third grade, I am going to be taking advanced classes and I have to do weekly counseling sessions.
There goes my plan of skipping most of school since I doubt they will let me try this again but getting 2 years off of my schooling is a good thing.
For the advanced classes my guess is they are for my math and science and if that's the case i can just put more effort into the other two subjects.
One thing is throwing me for a loop though and that is the weekly counseling sessions I know Amber has been watching me but I don't think I've been acting in a antisocial way I mean I talked to .... Ok I see it now
" Natsu "
Hearing my name draws me out of my thoughts
" Natsu my sweet little Prince you can't space out in an important conversation like this "
I look and see that Mom was talking to me
" Sorry Mom "
I see a look of concerned wash over mom's face
" It's ok my little Prince but as I was telling all of you, now that you're brother is in the third grade I am going to be getting all of you a phone for emergencies "
Thank the ball, I can finally start finding stuff about this world
" Really! "
I look over and see that Haru is excited to hear that and Aki also looks excited
I see Mom let out of dejected sign
" Ok yes all of you are getting phones, but outside this house they're only for emergencies all of you got that "
All three of us nod our heads
" That's everything I wanted to tell you kids. So with that done the family meetings over "
Overall this family meeting had its ups and downs
On the upside I was moved up two grades, I'm going to be getting a phone and hopefully it'll have unrestricted internet access.
On the downside I was only moved up two grades, I now have to take weekly counseling sessions and I was called retarded by my sister.
We take the bad with the good and not like I'm mad at Haru for what she said