Wizard Lord of Westeros

Chapter 64: Is She Dumb?

***Second Bonus Chapter of the Week***

Winterfell Castle

POV of Domeric Bolton

"I brought some valuable artifacts for my last batch of gifts. These artifacts can measure the time perfectly. If people have one of these artifacts, they will no longer need candles and hourglasses to measure time. All they have to do is look at them and see how much time has passed." Domeric announced to people in the Hall.

Meantime his men brought five big clocks into the hall and presented two different fine-crafted wooden boxes to Lord Eddard Stark and Lady Catelyn Stark.

"These bigger ones are called Clocks, and these types of clocks are called Tower Clocks," Domeric said. Actually, these clocks were grandfather clocks. But he wanted to increase his Clock Towers in his lands, so he changed their name and figures a little.

Then Lord and Lady Stark opened the lids of the boxes and saw the round metal objects with superb craftsmanship that were made according to Start House's banner. There were elegant chains attached to them.

"These small ones are called Watches, and these types of watches are called Pocket Watches. They are easy to carry in pockets and they have protective metal lids to prevent accidental damage. These clocks and watches are hard to make so I brought five tower clocks and two pocket watches. And like before, my men will teach your castle Maester how to understand and use these clocks and watches, my lord. I hope you liked these gifts of mine." Domeric said with a soft smile on his face.

Lord Stark stood up, looked at Domeric, and said, "I like them very much, Lord Bolton. These are very valuable gifts. House Stark thanks you for your generosity."

While Lord Stark was giving his gratitude to Domeric other Lord and Ladies in the hall were looking at Lord Stark with envy. All of these items were very valuable but that is not the main point. These items were not common things.

They were custom-made or rare items that someone couldn't just buy with money. That meant these items represented someone's reputation, noble standing, and power. They were sure that even wealthy Houses from the South would envy Lord Stark at the moment.

"Thank you, Lord Stark, for your kind words. I also prepared these kinds of gifts for all Houses in the North. They were hard to transport so I sent them to Houses' castles and keeps with my men. They will explain and teach them to your House Maesters. I hope Lords and Ladies from the North will like my gifts when they reach their home." Domeric said while looking at Lords and Ladies in the hall and he saw that every Lords and Ladies began smiling after his words.

The first step of Domeric's plan was success.

The hour-long feast ended without any hostility thanks to Domeric's gifts. As the Stark children were taken to their beds, Domeric got bored of the whole thing and left the great hall as well with the head of House Ryswell, House Dustin, and House Whitehill following behind him to show the unity between their alliance even though he didn't particularly care about this kind of things.

But if they want to show their support to him, then he must show his support to them as well. That was why he was planning to give them a discount on the frost steel as well as any food that they might want to buy from him.

The day ended without much fanfare even though he knew that tomorrow, he'd have to talk with Lord Stark about the betrothal of his daughter.


Winterfell Castle

POV of Domeric Bolton

Domeric looked at the snow falling outside Winterfell and took out his wand before casting a warming charm on himself and his aunt who was standing beside him.

"Thank you." She said warmly as they went back to looking at the snow in a peaceful silence.

"I don't like summer snow." He said after a long while and she turned to look at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Why not?" she asked curiously.

He wanted to say that it was because it disrupted the lives of the smallfolk who had to continue their hard work in the cold weather and risk losing their lives to the cold, but he knew that his aunt or any other lord or lady in this medieval era didn't care about the people as much as he did. So, there was really no point in explaining it to her.

"I have my reasons." He said after a long moment, and she continued to look at him for answers for a while before she finally gave a shrug and went back to looking at the snow falling in the Winterfell courtyard.

The snowfall would only last a few hours, and the snow would melt away by the end of the day but that didn't make it any less annoying.

He was just glad that the summer snow didn't fall while they were on their way to Winterfell. That would have been more annoying.

After a bit of silence, he turned to his aunt and asked, "Did you meet with Lady Stark yesterday?"

Her calm expression turned frosty at once at the reminder of Catelyn Stark who was betrothed to the man that she once loved, Brandon Stark, who died in Kings Landing many years ago.

"I did." She said, clearly unwilling to say anything more on the subject.

He decided not to push it and instead asked "And what about their daughter, Sansa Stark? Did you talk with her?"

"For a small moment. Yes." She said and pursed her lips, clearly unwilling to say anything more about the girl but he kept looking at her and she finally gave in and continued.

"Sansa Stark is a naive little child who has her head filled with chivalrous knights and beautiful ladies and thinks that the South is a magical place from the songs." She said with pursed lips and he almost groaned at that description. Almost.

"So, she's dumb? She didn't look dumb to me last time we met," he asked with some amusement wondering about the best way he could turn down this betrothal if Lord and Lady Stark were trying to betroth their dump daughter to him.

After all, while he was interested in creating an alliance with the Starks so that there wouldn't be a civil war in the North, he was not going to marry a totally dumb and foolish girl who didn't deserve to be his wife for that.

"No. I won't say that she's dumb. But she definitely needs a wake-up call before it's too late." His aunt said, "And removing the influence of Septa from her life would definitely be a good thing."

"The Septa?" he asked.

"Who else would fill her head with all those Southern songs if not the septa." His aunt said with some steel in her voice.

"Are you sure you don't like the septa because of her teaching Lord Stark's children about the Faith of the Seven?" he asked, and she pursed her lips once more but didn't reply.

He himself didn't like the Faith of the Seven as it reminded him of all the negative points of the Medieval church in Europe.

The church that burnt innocent girls by naming them witches.

He did not doubt that if his magical powers came to light then the Faith of the Seven would definitely not look upon him favorably.

He rather liked the Old Gods' philosophy of 'live and let live' in that regard.

As for Sansa, as long as she wasn't totally dumb that was no problem. He knew she was a child, and children would learn what you teach them. If she became his betrothal all he had to do was teach her well.

"Do you want to create a snowman?" he finally asked after a long silence, and she turned and shook his head almost immediately.

After all, it would be rather unseemly for a lady to play games like children. And Lady Barbrey was definitely a proper lady.

He gave a shrug, covered himself with another warming charm, and went down the stairs with the plan to create a large snowman.

After all, there were very few other ways to pass the time in this medieval world.


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Ch.65: Snowman

Ch.66: Betrothal?

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