Wizard Lord of Westeros

Chapter 65: Snowman

Winterfell Castle

POV of Domeric Bolton

Domeric was halfway done with the snowman when he heard footsteps from behind him. He saw two boys coming toward him and looking at him and the snowball curiously.

"Domeric." The red-haired boy said with a nod of his head and the black-haired boy behind him followed his lead and bowed to him as well.

"Robb, Jon." He said with a nod and then went back to putting snow on the ball "How may I help you?"

"What are you doing?" Robb asked curiously as he moved forward to glance at the white ball that he was now moving around the courtyard to make it larger.

Probably, Lady Stark had just reminded him to have a proper friendship with him as House Bolton was one of the strongest houses in the North after their own. He could confirm that with simple legilimency, but he wouldn't do that because he saw Robb as a friend.

In the past, he could use legilimency, loyalty charms, compulsion charms, and mind spells on nearly everyone for even small things.

But after he overcame his traumas, he changed. He could still use those spells, arts, and charms but only on his enemies and maybe in dire and risky circumstances. After all, if a spy was caught, he or she would be probably tortured in this kind of medieval-era world. So he found it more humane to read minds in these kinds of situations.

And Lady Stark did not know that Rob Stark already looked up to him as an older brother figure. And these were Robb's real thoughts. Because all the loyalty charms he placed on the boy in the past already lost their effects. And he didn't cast new ones on Robb.

He still felt bad for doing that in the past as Robb Stark was a decent sort of boy who followed his father's footsteps in being honorable and kind-hearted. He didn't want there to be any enmity between the two houses for no reason, but he wanted to accomplish that by becoming Robb's real friend and building good relations with Stark with normal means.

"I'm making a snowman," Domeric replied with a gentle smile as he continued to roll around the ball and both Robb and Jon looked at him in confusion.

"What's a snowman?" Jon asked with a frown and when Domeric raised his head and looked at him, Jon's eyes widened in shock, and he instantly bowed to Domeric.

"I meant no disrespect, my lord," Jon said quickly with his bowed head and Robb frowned at Jon with a sad expression on his face.

Looking at Robb's expression he realized that Robb was frustrated because he considered Jon as his brother and felt bad when other lords and ladies looked down on Jon Snow because of his birth.

Not that he cared about bastards as he believed that the lords who fucks other women outside wedlock should be the ones to be blamed rather than their innocent children.

"No disrespect taken. But what disrespect are you talking about Jon? Aren't we friends? Why would I take it as a disrespect when a friend of mine asked me a simple question?" He said with a smile and then turned to the castle and waved his hand to his aunt. It looks like normal waving but she would understand his message.

"Friend? My lord, that would be…" Before Jon finished his sentence Domeric cut his speech and turned to Robb. He knew Jon would say something he wouldn't like, probably because of Lady Stark's teaching. Things like; Jon should know his place and shouldn't talk casually or be friendly to other Lord's children. He saw a similarity between Jon and his childhood when he was living with Dursleys in his past life.

"Robb, are you and Jon friends?" he asked Robb.

And Robb answered without waiting, "Of course, Jon and I are friends, more precisely we are more than friends, we are brothers.

Domeric could see gratitude for Robb's words in Jon's eyes. He said, "See, Jon. Robb and I are friends. Robb and you are friends. That makes us friends. So, call me Domeric from now on as Robb did."

Now he could even feel the gratitude radiating from Jon and Robb.

"Then, I will do that, my lord," Jon said and Domeric spelled his name with emphasis with a frowned face.


"Yes, Domeric." Jon finally addressed him with his name.

"Good. And you don't have to talk with me so formally either. We are now friends after all." He said and then went ahead to explain the concept of a snowman to the two boys.

By the end of the hour, they had created two snowmen, and he had made a decent friendship with the boys. Then one of the Stark guards came up to him and told him that Lord Stark was expecting him in his Solar.

He nodded at the guard, turned to the castle, and made a sign to one of his men who was waiting there with his aunt's order. His guard came to their side with two boxes in his hand.

"Robb, Jon, these gifts are my personal gifts to you. Both boxes have pocket watches that were specially made for you. You can see your names on the backside. And, there is a different watch in Robb's box as a name-day gift. It is called a 'wristwatch'. And Jon you have to wait for your next name-day to get your wristwatch."

He told Robb and Jon. But he could see that they were already fascinated with the watches.

'Well as long as they liked it.'

He bid Robb and Jon goodbye and went to meet with Lord Stark. Probably, to talk with him about the betrothal between him and Sansa.


Author's Note: Thank you, Scott, for becoming my Patron and a DIAMOND member of my page.

And thank you, Dr.Marvin, for becoming my Patron and a SILVER member of my page. This chapter is dedicated to your names.

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