Woke up in DXD

Chapter 12: Switch

**Special Note- I went back and fixed the timeline. Now there's 1 year before the story starts. I'll delete this note tomorrow.**


Belial lays on the grass and looks at the stars.

Wait, it's daytime.

Ever since the little spat he had with Cunt Li, she's stopped holding her punches in sparring. Evident by his current bloodied and bruised face.

Belial jerks himself up into a seated position and looks at Chun Li's ass, as she walks away.

At the risk of sounding like a masochist, Belial has to say, this is actually good for training.

Her increased viciousness has inspired a sense of defiance, or malice in him. Which has spurred him into putting even more effort in optimising his training.

He just wants to smack her in her pretty face and watch her cry... Or something like that...

Belial sighs and gets up. It's been 2 weeks since their little spat. Suppose a girl like her can hold a grudge.

As mentioned, Belial did almost everything he could to make sure he's training as optimally as possible. Yet there is a thing he hasn't done. And that is go cry to his master.

Belial walks inside the house in search of Wukong. Sadly he's not here. Next he checks Yu-Long's sleeping spot. However his master is not there either.

Belial walks back to the tip of the hill, wondering where that old bastard disappeared. Randomly looking around, he spots a strange dot in the sky.

"The hell is that." He mumbles, covering his eyes from the sun.

The dot is getting bigger and bigger. Eventually Belial manages to distinguish a human figure.

It's a muscular man with Indian features. His dark brown hair is in a buzz and he's wearing an outfit like he's on vacation.

The man floats in mid air, with his hands crossed, looking down at him.

"Are you the new side project of Wukong?" The man's booming voice snaps out.

"I am Belial." He responds, looking up. The man sneers and lowers himself on the ground. He stands at about the same height as Belial.

"Where is he?" The man looks around and asks haughtlily. Seemingly having completely lost interest in Belial.

Belial has a good idea who he's talking about. "My master has gone to relieve himself at the back." Belial says and points to the house.

His response manages to get a small reaction of suprise out of Indra.

"What are you talking about, brat. I'm right here." Wukong speaks from right behind Belial. Startling him.

"Master. You're finished. Already?" Belial asks in disbelief. Wukong smacks him in the head with his power pole.

"God of military arts. What has brought you here?" Wukong directs his attention at the man.

"I need you to take care of a problem." Indra states and throws a folder at Wukong. Who deftly catches it.

As he opens it to read the contents, Wukong sighs. "Of course..."

As Wukong reads the documents, Indra startles Belial by appearing right beside him.

"You're quite a nasty one, aren't you." Indra gives him an aggressive smirk.

Belial frowns. "What are you talking about?"

"You don't know? Heh. I guess Wukong sealed that thing inside of you, but it's gonna come out eventually." Indra explains, keeping the same malicious grin. He waves his finger at Belial's face. "Just know. If you start going on a rampage, I will kill you."

"Indra leave the brat alone. Why are you scaring the boy?" Wukong calls out.

Indra keeps his eyes glued to Belial, then looks at Wukong. "I'm just letting the boy know what will happen if he steps out of line. You tend to be too trusting with these thing, Wukong." Indra says and turns his back to them.

"Well anyway. Keep the boy on a tight leash. As for the job... you know what to do." Indra remarks, just before disappearing.

Belial, still staring at the spot Indra disappeared from, turns his gaze to Wukong. "Master, what was he talking about."

"You don't need to know for now. Just continue your training. I'll be busy for a few days." Wukong waves him off and starts to walk away.

"Master you can't leave me alone with that beast. Plus I need help in training." Belial cries.

"So now you're a princess? Suck it up." Wukong speaks without turning back.

Belial's expression of despair fades within a second and he sighs.

Constantly pushing himself to the limit is exhausting for the mind. So Belial copes by fucking around like this.

Though recently, he's started to experience serious fatigue. For example right now, he wants to keep stand here for a bit longer. So he wouldn't have to train.

This is a problem...

Belial heaves a long, throaty sigh and walks back to the training ground. Like it or not, he can't escape what he needs to do.


When Wukong left yesterday, he took Yu-long with him. Now it's just Chun Li and Belial.

Having finished his morning training and eaten lunch, Belial thinks of what to do. He decides to look for Chun Li.

He finds her in her bedroom. Belial knocks on the doorframe.

"What is it?" Chun Li opens her eyes and asks. Though she keeps a relaxed face, there's still a hint of sharpness in her tone.

Belial doesn't respond immediately. He looks down and enters her room, like he's thinking. He looks around her furniture and speaks. "I came to bury the hatchet between us. I don't want you to stay mad at me forever." He looks at her.

"I'm not mad." She responds. Belial suppresses a smirk.

What a female thing to say.

"That's good, because I actually look up to you and admire you a lot. Your diligence in training is one of your best qualities." Belial states and looks at her.

As expected, Chun Li has a tiny smile on her face.

"Are you a serious person?" Belial asks.

"I am when it comes to training and what needs to be done. But I can be fun as well." Chun Li responds.

"Is that so? Elder sister seems so serious all the time, I thought your heart is made of stone." Beliak comments.

"Is that what I seem like?" Chun Li exclaims in suprise. Noticeably becoming more open with him.

Belial nods. "May I sit here?" He asks, pointing at the bed. Chun Li gives him permission.

They continue to chat. Chun Li becoming more and more talkative and relaxed.


"So you haven't driven a car before?" Belial asks.

"No. Never needed to." Chun li responds.

"With legs like those, you'd probably push the pedal through the floor. Haha." Belial stares at her legs and can't help but laugh at the thought.

Chun Li, smiling, responds. "You think so? My strength control is pretty good, you know."

"Says the woman who's been breaking her disciple brother's face everytime we spar." Belial responds.

"Hey. That. You deserved that." Chun Li points at him.

"Just wait until I get stronger. I'll spank you like a little girl." Belial grins at her.

"Heh. Big words for a little brother. How about I spank you instead." Chun Li taunts.

Belial puts on a suprised expression. "Do you want to?"

"What? No." Chun Li quickly retracts her statement and looks away.

"Heh, that's what I thought. By the way..."


"Ah~... what I would give to eat that again. There is not a price in the world I wouldn't pay." Chun Li says dreamily, reminiscing her favourite food.

Belial makes a sly grin. "Is that so? What if you had to pay with your body? Would you do it?"

"What do you mean, pay with my body?" Chun Li tilts her head. Belial smirks. How innocent.

"That means performing sexual services for something." He states.

"Eh?" It takes a bit for Chun Li to even understand that. But once she does. She exclaims. "You! What are you saying!" She smacks Belial on the chest.

"You are so innocent. You've never thought about these things?" Belial asks.

"No! That is reserved for marriage." Chun Li says.

Belial nods. "I agree."


"...then Indra showed up." Belial says.

"The Hindu god of military arts?" Chun Li makes her eyes wide.

Belail nods. With a smile he adds. "I told him master is behind the house, taking a dump."

"Hahahahaha." Chun Li bursts out laughing. Belial chuckles as well and sits closer to her.

"I never expected you to laugh so hard at potty humour." Belial pokes her at her side, peering at her brown eyes.

"It's funny, so I laughed. I laugh at what I want." Chun Li says, still chuckling.

"How willful. That's one of the things I like about you. Have you met Indra yourself?" Belial continues.

"Yes, I've met..."


"...Haha. So what? Did you find him or no?" Chun Li asks with a smile. Belial has inched even closer. Now their sides are touching.

"Ah! Well after I finished punching him, he became very friendly and led me to his boss." Belial smiles. Talking about the story of the fallen angel Kakanobe.

"Hahaha." Chun Li laughs, putting a hand in front of her mouth and squinting her eyes shut. A very cute and elegant way of laughing.

Belial admires her and places his hand on her thigh. "I like to see this side of you. It's completely different from day to day." He says.

"You should talk to me more often then." Chun Li smiles.

"I think I will..." His tone falls off, as he looks down her lips.

A small pause occurs, with both of them just staring at eachother. Chun Li is smiling happily. Belial has never seen this expression from her. That's why it's so...

So difficult not to do this...

Belial gently grabs her chin and looks into her brown eyes. Then brings his head closer and kisses her. Their lips touch.

Belial doesn't linger on her for long. Only a soft kiss for a couple of seconds.


What's coming next...

Is probably...

Chun Li sits frozen still, her eyes wide. Belial keeps staring at her face without saying anything. Only showing a relaxed smile.

He can see the chaos going on in her mind. As she deliberates between logic and emotion. Finally it seems to be coming to a conclusion, as her face starts to turn red.

"Uh!" Chun Li utters a throaty exclamation and scrambles backwards. Then she turns and runs out if the room in a panic. Bumping into a cupboard. Seemingly losing all coordination in her limbs.

"Uh... huh..." Belial chuckles and shakes his head.

That was the most probable outcome. But atleast now, he'll get her thinking of him in that way.

Belial stands up and stretches. Then leaves the room to go train.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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