Woke up in DXD

Chapter 11: Improper Woman

It's been a month since Belial became Wukong's student.

Belial and Chun Li stand on the peak of the hill, discussing fighting techniques. This is something they started doing recently, by Belial asking why Chun Li uses the wing chun stance.

Since Belial has extensive training in muay thai, wrestling and BJJ, from his previous life. He displayd opinions that Chun Li found interesting. Hence their half hour a day of discussion was born.

The problem Belial's facing currently is his martial arts don't work so well in this world. Especially if you have weapons involved. This results in Belial having to relearn a lot of techniques.

He's is currently showing Chun Li the question mark kick.

"What do you think of this? Does it have practical value?" Belial asks, placing his foot back down.

Chun Li crosses her arms and thinks. "Hmm... It seems largely useless. There has to be a very specific situation where it can be used." She explains.

Belial nods. "I thoughts so as well. I'd rather use the mirage technique you taught me." He states.

"You mean this." Chun Li gets into a stance and demonstrates. She starts to kick Belial in his ribs, but he feels a gust of wind hit his face. After a moment, Chun Li's leg fades like a mirage, revealing her leg's actual position. Which is next to Belial's head.

"Yeah. That's far better. Do you have any others?" Belial asks with calculated intrest. His fascination with learning new techniques causes him to completely ignore the tantalising sight of Chun Li's muscular legs.

"They're all applications of senjutsu. You should start learning the basics first." Chun Li explains.

"Ah." Belial makes a face like she just let out a nasty fart.

You see, he deliberated if he should learn senjutsu, but he decided against it. Aside from mastering touki, it is much more profitable to increase and perfect his demonic power.

If he had an extra 10 years, he would certainly do that

"I'll pass on that for now. Perhaps in the future, when you've become a proper, mature woman, I'll have you teach me some." Belial thoughtlessly responds.

"What do you mean become proper? I am a proper woman." Chun Li frowns.

Belial tilts his head. "Do you know how to cook? Clean? What are you talking about?"

"Eh?" Chun Li is taken aback. "This has nothing to do with that, I'm still a proper young lady." She reaffirms her point.

"Why are you arguing? What is your point?" Belial is completely confused. Why is she getting so defensive?

Chun Li narrows her eyes and pokes Belial in the chest. "You just said I'm not a proper woman. However I am very proper. I am. Very. Proper." She hammers it home.

Now Belial is getting irritated. "What are you talking about? Proper how? All you do is train and fight. The only thing womanly about you is your body!" Belial argues heatedly.

Now he said it. Chun Li's eyes and mouth are 3 big O's.

Next her face becomes numb. Then she frowns. Then her eyes seem to light on fire.

She throws a punch at his face, while screaming. "I am proper!"

Belial slips her punch and grabs her, executing a flawless takedown. "Calm the fuck down. You're going crazy!" Belial holds her down.

Chun Li growls and grabs him by the hair, yanking him to a roll and getting on top. "I am not crazy! You are crazy!" She yells as she tries to punch him in the face.

Belial grabs her arm and throws her off with his hips. Getting on top again. Then he rolls again and pivots, getting her into rear naked chokehold. "Calm. Down."

Chun Li starts thrashing around, but Belial hooks himself onto her. Next she starts to pull his arms apart.

Belial strains with all his might to hold his arms together. He even starts using touki.

Yet this is perhaps the first time Belial sees Chun Li getting serious and using her own. With her hawk like grip, she easily pulls his arms apart.

It seems he's finished... But Belial won't go down without a fight.

He bites on her ox horn and tears the hairband off. Half of her hair is now loose. "You dare!!!" She screams in anger.

However her outburst allows Belial to get his hands free. He shoves two fingers in her nose and pushes her head backwards. Then grabs her neck under his armpit, in a reverse headlock.

"You improper woman! Be disciplined!" Belial yells and smacks her stomach with his free hand. He doesn't know what he's doing, but it seems appropriate in this situation.

Chun Li becomes livid and bites his arm. Ah! You piece of shit!" He exclaims in pain and starts slapping her stomach repeatedly.

Chun Li refuses to let go. So Belial does the one thing he can think of. He gives her a titty twister.

"Kyaa!" It works. Chun Li abandoned her biting strategy.

In desperation, she flips over and catches Belial's head between her thighs. Displaying excellent spinal flexibility.

Holding onto her neck as tight as he can, Belial feels like his head is about to be crushed between them. However he bears it. He bears the pain by holding on to her left breast with a firm grip.

"What are you brats doing now?" Their spat is interrupted by master Wukong, who's looking at this display of childishness with a stoic face.

Both Belial and Chun Li recognise their current situation and untangle. Getting up like nothing happened.

"We were just practising some techniques." Belial makes up an excuse.

"Master, I apologise for the unsightly display. But this heathen assaulted me." Chun Li points all the blame at Belial. He almost loses his shit again, but quickly manages to calm down.

"Don't listen to this disgusting liar, master. This is simply a misunderstanding." Belial explains with an air of professionalism, akin to slimy politician.

Wukong thumps his power pole on the ground. "Enough." He commandw.

"Whatever was the reason, I understand Belial is at fault." He states.

"Yes." Chun Li adds an immediate response.

"What!" Belial is in disbelief.

"Brat your personality is horrible. The only reason you didn't start vomiting blood as soon as she touched you, is because Chun Li is a sweet and gentle girl." Wukong remarks.

What kind of favouritism is this?

Tough he can't argue. If Chun Li were to get serious serious, she could just lock down his ki with her senjutsu.

"The hearts of women can be complicated to young men. But as your master and an elder, I will give you some assistance. If you apologise, you can make this situation go away." Wukong explains, holding back a mischevious grin.

Belial scratches his head, a bit irritated. Then sighs. He turns towards Chun Li, who looks at him expecting an apology.

"I'm sorry I called you an improper woman..." He says.

Chun Li nods. "Apology accepted."

"What I ment to call you is immature." Belial reveals a shit eating grin. Chun Li's relaxed face immediately turns sour.

"You!" A couple of veins pop out on her forehead and she attacks. Delivering a vicious punch at his head.

For some reason she doesn't feel her blow connect. Belial's figure disappeares like a mirage, revealing his actual body. Which is in the distance running away.

"Haaa!" Chun Li gets even more pissed and channels her touki. Flying at him.

A good warrior must know when to fight and when to retreat. Belial runs like hell..

Watching the youngsters play cat and mouse, Wukong reveals a satisfied smile. This is how youngsters should be...

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