Chapter 10: Touki
It's been just over a week now, since Belial became the student of Sun Wukong.
The week has passed like a hazy dream. With his crazy training, the only time Belial feels normal is when he wakes up. After that he's perpetually exhausted. If it weren't for the calender nailed to the kitchen table, Belial wouldn't have any idea how much time has passed.
Right now he's at the back of the house, doing pull ups. His teeth gritted, trying to get the final rep. He manages to inch his chin just above the bar and drops like a sack of potatoes. With all the weight on him, he can currently only do 7.
He hears the door click and Chun Li walks out. She hovers her gaze over Belial, then picks a random spot and starts stretching her legs.
Belial looks at her with confusion. Usually at this time she is away from the house. Though Belial has no idea where.
Still on the ground, he asks. "You are going to work out?"
"Yes." Chun Li responds matter of fact. Kind of a dumb question.
However Belial doesn't care about that.
"Can you help me comprehend touki?" He asks, still on the ground. Belial has wanted to ask for her assistance on this for a while now. But has been either too tired or unable to.
Chun Li's eyebrows shoot up and she jumps up from doing a split. "I can try to guide you..." She mutters.
Belial gets up and walks closer to her. His expression hopeful. "Please do."
Standing right in front of her, Chun Li thinks for a bit. Then channels her inner energy and places her palm on Belial's chest.
"I'm going to force my own energy into you. Try to fight it." She states.
Just as she says that, Belial feels an extremely unpleasant sensation. He can't even pinpoint it's location.
Beads of sweat roll down his temples, his body under a lot of tension. Belial focuses inside and tries to force the unpleasant feeling out.
Bit by bit he's getting used to it and starting to feel the source. Once he pinpoints the source, he struggles with all his might to push it out.
"You're doing it. Keep going." Chun Li says.
The veins on his neck pop out and it looks like he's pushing out a turd. Until finally, his conciousness almost snaps.
Belial falls on his ass, panting. "Fuck!" He punches the ground.
Watching him rage, Chun Li reveals a complicated expression. "Don't be too hard on yourself. Touki is not something you're supposed to comprehend in a single week."
Belial looks at her with a cold gaze. Like she's saying the dumbest shit imaginable.
Bitch, I don't give a fuck!
"Tsk. How?.. How can I comprehend this..." Belial's rage only intensifies. Clenching his fists.
Chun Li opens her mouth to say something, but decides against it. The man in front of her can't be calmed down by words. Instead phrasing it carefully, she poses a question. "Why do you feel such a rush to get stronger?"
Belial's gaze goes back on her. His face twisted by anger. He's about to lash out at her, but halts. Finding it hard to put his need into words.
Multiple ways of phrasing it come into his mind, yet none feel adequate. Belial decides to just answer simply. "Because I don't want to be weak."
Chun Li nods. Having no further intrest in it.
"What about you?" Belial shoots the question back to her.
"I don't feel a rush. But if you're asking me why I train so hard. I would have to say... I want to stand for what I believe is right." She responds. Her eyes conveying unbreakable determination.
Belial's face relaxes and looks down. "I suppose I could say the same." He stands up.
Looking at her, his face grows cold. "But I am not a good person. I'm selfish and I don't care about others. So you might regret helping me in the future."
Chun Li reveals a wolfish grin. "If it comes to that, as your senior sister, I just have to stop you."
Belial's mouth stretches into a grin, just like her's. "You think you can?"
"I'll make sure I do." They look at eachother with ferocious smiles. A strong sense of battle spirit igniting between them.
Compared to his strong words, Chun Li could currently crush him like a bug. So Belial is the first to break eyecontact and return to training.
Watching the blonde haired man start training with intensity, as if he's fighting for his life. Chun Li thinks she's aquired one crazy of a junior brother.
A couple days pass. Belial's training remains the same.
Wukong has taken a habit of increasing the weight of his training outfit every two days. Ensuring Belial is always under heavy strain.
Though he can understand it, Belial is completely fed up with it. He's wondering when will Wukong start teaching him advanced stuff, instead just having him do basic strength training and sparring.
However today something interesting happened.
Belial felt a spark of touki trying to awaken when he was doing his morning sparring with Chun Li. The spark was just under the threshold where he could utilize it.
So after sparring and strength training, Belial came back to the house and chose to sit on his bed. Going into a deep meditative state, with the intention of cultivating his touki.
He has now been like this for over 2 hours. Diligently encouraging the power to grow.
It hasn't been without results. Belial can feel a strong grip on his touki. However he can't quite pull it out. Looks like he needs something to jump start it.
With no ideas on how to do that, he decides to seek council from his master.
Belial exits his room and looks around the house. Sometimes the most difficult thing about Wukong is actually finding him when he's needed.
Belial discovers Wukong at the back of the house, arguing with Yu-Long.
"You bastard of a dragon. It was you, wasn't it." Wukong attacks.
"I swear it was not me." Yu-Long defends.
"Master..." Belial interrupts their verbal spout. Gaining the attention of both.
Sun Wukong looks back at Yu-Long and points at hum. "This isn't over." Then he looks at Belial. "What do you want, kid?"
"I feel I'm about to awaken Touki, but I can't quite grasp it. Can you help me?" Belial asks.
"Hmm." Wukong hums and steps closer. Placing his hand on Belial's shoulder, he inspects. "You are close indeed. Come, brat. You will spar with me." Wukong states and starts walking.
Belial follows him away from the house, to the centre of the peak.
They face eachother. Belial readies himself for a fight.
"Brat. Struggle with all your might and try not to die." Wukong speaks ominously, summoning his power pole.
"Here I come." He leaps at Belial and delivers a basic downward swing.
Belial anticipates it being a faint and steps back to the side. Just as he expected, Wukong jabs the power pole at him, extending it.
Belial grabs onto it, but Wukong pulls back. With his master's strength being far superior, Belial is yanked flying. He uses that momentum to throw a kick at Wukong, but is immediately caught by his power pole.
Wukong swats him out of the air like a fly. The impact Belial feels in his chest is like getting ran over by a truck.
He ragdolls across the ground for 10 meters and manages to reorient himself. However all the air is knocked out of his lungs. Taking him a few beats to get his breathing working again.
Too bad Wukong isn't playing fair. So before that can happen, Wukong is already striking.
Belial leaps back but Wukong keeps on him. Managing to sweep his feet and deliver a kick to his triangle.
Just as he was about to get his breathing working, Belial recieves another debilitating blow at the same spot. He'll end up suffocating at this rate!
"You focus too much on my weapon." Wukong comments and attacks again.
Belial ducks the swing from his pole, but he's already at his limit.
Without having any say in it, Belial's body shuts down and he drops. Wukong causally walks over to his student. "So this is all you have? I suppose I was mistaken in taking you as a disciple." Wukong prepares to deliver the final blow.
Belial can't breathe nor move. He desperately tries to even just lift his arm, but his stamina is completely gone. With an incoming blow right in front of his eyes, Belial searches desperately for any fragment of strength left in his body.
That's when an aura manifests around him. Belial rolls out of the way, with Wukong's pole thumping where he just was.
"Ho ho." Wukong chuckles amusedly.
Belial stands near him, having gotten his breathing back and looking at his hands. He's surrounded by a white, flickering aura. Emitting power and intensity.
"So this is touki..." Belial mumbles.
Wukong grins. "Come at me, brat."
Belial looks at him and scoffs. With speed much higher than before, he lunges at the old man.
The two enter an extended fight, trading intense blows.
The fight ends with Belial beaten and splayed out on the grass, regardless. But he's smiling from ear to ear.
He did it. He finally manifested Touki.