Woke up in DXD

Chapter 9: Inner Work

The next day starts with Belial doing a full body workout. Pushups, squats, chin ups, crunches and some good old fashion running. He still has the weights attached to him, so his workout is more of him straining, than actually moving.

From having experienced working out, Belial estimates the sum weight on him to be between 220 and 280 kg.

After his morning workout, he gets to eat rice porridge and some bread. Then his master has him gather at the hilltop, facing Chun Li once again.

"Now you will spar until one of you is knocked out or gives up." Wukong declares.

Belial looks at him incredulously. He lost to Chun Li without the weights. How is he supposed to even compete with her now?

But Wukong mercilessly snaps his fingers. "Begin."

Chun Li bows, then assumes a stance. Her face full of determination.

"How ridiculous." Belial mutters. Putting his hands up with difficulty. So he atleast won't get instantly obliterated.

Chun Li attacks. And the match goes as expected. Ending with a complete victory to Chun Li.

Sprawled out on the ground, Belial doesn't even care about the pain. He stands up and utters words of protest to Wukong. "I can't even defeat her at full power. How do you expect me to spar, when I have a quarter of a ton, weighing me down?"

Wukong smoking his pipe, responds. "A flower growing in soft conditions, will never survive a storm. You must trust in the path."

Wukong doesn't care.

Belial huffs and looks at his opponent.

Wukong raises his hand for a snap. "I will give you a hint. Focus deep inside of yourself and find your strength." He speaks, then snaps.

Chun Li assumes her stance again. Just like before, she doesn't immediately attack, giving Belial time to prepare.

Find the power inside myself? What is that supposed to mean!

Belial gnashes his teeth. No one gives a shit about anything around here. He feels a surge of rage boil up within. About the unreasonable demands, his new master and everything else.

Find the power within.

Belial keeps his eyes on Chun Li but focuses inside himself...


Chun Li attacks, delivering a fast kick to his head. He slips under it, but is caught by another one. Heel kicked right in the middle of his face.

Belial is sprawled out on the ground, bleeding out of his nose.

What the fuck am I supposed to find inside myself?!

"Again." Wukong states.

Belial becomes even angrier. His face twisting into a deep, demonic frown.

He doesn't care about the weights anymore. Or the sparring session. Right now he just wants to destroy everything.

Belial stands and puts his hands up. Adapting a classic muay thai stance.

"Begin." Wukong's words fade from his mind. Nothing matters.

Just kill her.

This time Belial lunges at Chun Li instead. Utilising the weight on him to deliver a frightening right cross. Moving far faster than he was before.

Chun Li dodges without problem, executing a spinning heel kick at his ribs. But Belial catches it. Then tries sweeping her foot out from under her, however Chun Li jumps and delivers a flying knee to his face.

Unlike before, Belial simply staggers and attacks immediately. However a foot is already next to his face.

Belial's conciousness cuts off.


Belial wakes up in his bed, inside the log house. After getting his bearings, he sits up and tries to rub his throbbing head, but is reminded of the ridiculous amount of weight in his arm.

His mood, in a word, is shit.

He hears a knock on the doorframe and sees Chun Li holding a cup in her hands.

"I brought you herbal tea." She says and delicately places it on the cupboard by the door.

Belial is suprised by her voice. This is the first time he has heard her speak. "Thanks." He manages to utter a word of gratitude before she leaves.

Next Wukong shows up in the same spot. Smiling like an asshole.

"You lasted three rounds against her. Not bad for a newbie devil brat." Wukong states and puffs his pipe.

Belial scoffs. "She was treating me like a baby."

"Don't let it get you down, kid. With her, even if I gave you a longinus, you'd have no chance." Wukong smirks.

"Well it certainly looks that way. So how can I catch up?" Belial asks, annoyed.

Wukong's smirk fades and after a second, he steps inside closer to Belial. Touching his chest with a finger, Wukong speaks. "You did look inside, but what you found was something far from what I wanted you to..."

Beliak loses his breath for a second. The mysterious feeling of pressure inside of him, which has been building up from before, fading away.

"You have a darkness inside you kid. I'm sealing it for now, until you become strong enough to control it." He states and turns on his heel.

"For now, how about you drink that herbal tea your lovely disciple sister brought and see what happenes." Leaving those words, Wukong walks away.

Belial raises his palm and tries conjuring a flame. Unlike in the past, the fire in his hands keeps burning with yellow colour. No matter how long he waits.

"That's interesting." He mutters. Standing up, Belial takes the tea cup and guides it to his mouth. He downs the entire thing, burning his tongue. But it will heal up shortly anyway.

Carefully setting the cup back, so he wouldn't break it, Belial feels a hint of a sensation. After a couple seconds, his blood starts burning and his adrenaline is spiked to the max.

"Kuha!" It feels like he's about to die right now!

What the fuck did she give me?!

However the sense of crisis starts to fade. Allowing Belial to feel a different one in it's place.

What is this?

A tinge of power. He can kind of tell what it is, but can't locate the source. The feeling is much like having a word stuck in your tongue.

As his adrenaline drops back down, Belial sits down on his bed and focuses deep inside. The tinge of power he feels, fading rapidly.

Making sure to familiarise and memorise the feeling, it soon passes.

Belial opens his eyes. "Fighting spirit."

Or as the anime called it- touki. A source of power that allows one to surpass his limits.

Belial continues focusing, staying in a meditative state. With a singular goal to once again induce the same feeling.

An hour passes. No matter how much he focuses, the feeling is gone.

"Kid. Come." Wukong calls for him, from somewhere in the house.

Belial stands. He might have not comprehended it, but he won't stop until he has. Failure just means further experimentation is needed.

Taking a breath, he walks out of the room to greet his master's ugly face.


A few days pass.

Each day Belial has to spar with Chun Li a couple of times, then train until he's unconscious.

Sparring with Chun Li is by far one of the most brutal things Belial has experienced.

Not physically, but mentally.

Each time he fights her, he learns more about the woman. But he cannot see her upper limit.

His growing understanding of her abilities make that fact scarier and more depressing every time they spar.

He asked his master. "How come Chun Li doesn't have to wear weights when we spar?"

A naive question.

"Just her qinpao is 4 times heavier than what you have on." Was his master's casual response.

Compared to her, Belial is a plebeian. He's a bug. He's nothing.

The only silver lining in this, is that if Chun Li could reach this level of strength in her youth. Then having the same master, Belial should atleast become comparable to her.

But how long will that take.

Belial looks up at the sunny sky. Once again sprawled out on the grass.

He lifts his head up and stares at Chun Li. "You are truly amazing..."

"Eh?" Belial's thoughtless muttering suprises her. She looks at him with wide eyes, frozen for a fraction of a second.

"You're improving quickly." Wukong takes over, leaning his hands on his power pole. Belial stands up.

"I suppose it's time." With those cryptic words, Wukong lifts his power pole and touches Belial's chest.

His confusion is only momentary. As Belial feels a significant weight suddenly weigh down his back.

Hunched over, under a lot of strain, Belial glares at Wukong. The geezer just put a ton more weight on him.

But saying anything to him would like spitting on a rock. It does absolutely nothing.

"You're going at a good pace right now. At this rate I think you will comprehend the basics of Touki by the end of the month." Wukong randomly comments. Suprising Belial and lifting his mood somewhat.

Wukong's eyes gleam from under his glasses.

His new disciple is a crazy one. The greed for power in him is so strong. Throw a vague promise at him and watch a dragon awake.

Belial's face goes numb and he forces himself upright. With dead eyes and a completely blank face, he looks at his master.

Wukong smirks. "Begin."

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