Chapter 5: Rouge Devil
Belial took Akeno on a crazy adventure. Breaking into the computer class late at night and paying a hacker from the black market to find Otome-chan's boyfriend's home.
To then taking her there and threatening/torturing the boyfriend so he'll break up with Otome-chan. Akeno's sadistic tendencies came in handy in that situation.
Of course Belial had to bend the truth somewhat and tell Akeno the guy stole his client's girlfriend. Instead of telling her some obsessive otaku payd him.
Their negotiations with the guy were effective and he broke up with her. Leaving the country the next day.
"So that's what happened on your first day..." Rias sighs, looking at the box of gold bars in front of her.
"That's right." Belial, standing in front of her desk, nods.
"Ara, Rias. I must admit, it was a lot of fun. Almost like a date." Akeno mentions from the side. Glancing at Belial and smirking.
Rias sighs again. "Well, no matter. Today we have a mission assigned for us. A stray devil has entered my territory." She says.
So a subjugation event has finally occurred.
Belial doesn't speak or change his expression. But a sense of excitement is welling up inside him.
Finally a time to test my training in battle!
"For Belial-san this will be the first. So just follow my lead and don't put yourself in harms way." Rias explains.
The group enter a magic circle and teleport to somewhere in the city. The nighttime streets are illuminated by innumerable lights. For them, it's not much different than being out on a sunny day.
They head to the industrial district, right outside of an abandoned warehouse.
"Our intelligence told us it has set up base here. Yuuto! Koneko! You will be our vanguard. Belial! You stay at the back with us and just observe." Rias hands down the commands.
Kiba conjures a demonic sword and throws it to Belial beside him, who deftly catches it. "Thanks."
The group enter the warehouse and carefully proceed. There's a distinct smell of something rotten in the air. Like the inside of a sewer.
From the corner of the warehouse, a shadow moves. Coming closer to the group and revealing it's true form, under the moonlight.
A centaur?
What's revealed is a quadrapedal creature. With the bottom half of a cow and the upper half of a man, who has elongated ears.
"What's this? A nighttime snack?" The creature speaks.
It's aura isn't nothing to take note of. A simple low class devil.
Belial tightens the grip on his sword. "Buchou. May I fight this one alone?" Belial asks Rias. Keeping his eyes on the stray.
Rias looks at it and contemplates. Determining it not a significant threat, she agrees. "Alright. But any sign of danger and we shall interviene."
"Thank you." Belial grins. He starts walking towards the stray. With each step he gets closer, his excitement grows.
"Hey centaur. You're ugly as fuck." Belial provokes, wearing a cruel smirk.
"A little devil wants to die? Fine by me." It says angrily and charges.
To Belial, it's movements are slow. Nothing compared to Kiba. Belial sidesteps it's charge and lops off an arm. Displaying an impressive level of technique for a newbie.
Standing straight as an arrow, with his sword in front of him, Belial's head slowly turns to the creature. Looking at it seriously "I was excited for this you know. Don't let me down." His cruel smirk returns.
"Khh! Take this." The stray has a bead of sweat running down. With it's remaining arm, it fires an energy blast.
Belial has no intention of dodging. Instead he receives the blast with his sword. Slicing clean through it and recieving a portion of it to the face.
"God damn it!" He yells, cradling his head. Turns out it wasn't a good idea.
"Belial! Yuuto!" "Hai, buchou."
Kiba is already running. He lops off the creature's other arm, ducks it's counter then swiftly decapitates it. Killing it in a matter of seconds.
With the stray neutralized, Akeno is the first to run and check at Belial. She carefully touches him and examines the damage. Belial's forehead has recieved a significant burn.
"This is not good. Rias!" She looks at her king worriedly.
Rias sighs. "I told you not to get in harms way. Why on earth did you want to slash an energy blast." She raves. Both mad and worried for her new servant.
Belial gives a pained smile. "It seemed boring to just dodge."
The group teleports back to the club room, with Akeno lending a shoulder for Belial to lean on.
He is put to sit on the couch and given a cold, wet towel to place on his forehead.
Rias goes to take a shower in the club room, while Koneko and Kiba excuse themselves for the night.
Akeno carefully tends to Belial. Sitting next to him and helping him adjust the towel. "You really are a reckless boy."
"It seems so. Ah! It really hurts." Belial winces.
"Don't move around too much." Akeno gives a worried look.
"I heard the pain goes away when you kiss it." Belial smirks.
"Are you trying to entice me to kiss you?" Akeno asks with a helpless, teasing smile.
"Yes?" Belial smiles.
A silence falls in the room. Both of them sitting quietly. Akeno starts to move her head closer to his. About to kiss him on the cheek. But just before she can lay her lips on his skin, Rias comes out of the shower.
"Akeno. Have him strip." She says, drying her head with the towel.
Akeno quickly pulls away. "Right away, Rias."
"Eh?" Belial exclaims in shock.
In a daze, Belial is stripped of his clothes and robbed of his dignity. His proud dragon and family jewels- everything exposed to the elements.
"For this ritual, you have to be completely naked." Akeno explains.
Belial only now remembers the power Rias has from the anime. The ability to share her demonic energy through skinship and heal her servants.
But she's going to do it with him? Right now?!
Belial is seated naked on the couch with a towel on his head. Waiting in silence.
Rias walks over and sits on his lap.
He just barely manages to silence a yelp. Feeling a soft body sit on his lap. The feeling is so stimulating it's hard to think straight.
Rias hugs him from the side, pressing her breasts against his chest.
"Uhh, buchou. I don't think this is appropriate..." Belial awkwardly says.
"Relax. I'm just sharing my demonic energy with you so you will heal." Rias speaks matter of factly.
"No, I mean... This position is really bad..." He adds.
Before long, something starts poking Rias' thigh.
"What is that?" Rias questions obliviously. Looking down, but failing to see anything since her thick thigh blocks the view.
"Well, how should I say it..." Belial with his face covered by the towel starts to explain.
"Ara. Ufufu. I think Belial-san is feeling the heat of passion." Akeno teases from the side. Having a good idea what's going on.
"Eh?" Rias looks at her then at Belial. Still oblivious.
The pressure on her thigh just keeps getting stronger. Like something is awakening beneath her. The feeling begins to bother her and she scooches over to see what it is.
"Kyaa!!" Giving a high pitched scream as her eyes come in contact with a big male Penis. She leaps up.
"Ara. That is certainly a dangerous weapon." Completely composed, Akeno comments. Finding amusement in her boss' situation.
Rias, completely red in the face, tremblingly points at Belial's growing leg. "T-t-t-t-t-t-t-that... w-w-what is that!!"
It's obvious Rias feels threatened. Akeno just laughs but Belial frowns. "Buchou, did you really not know about this?"
"S-s-shut up! Be quiet! I don't want to hear a word anymore. Make it go back!" She yells.
"Buchou, for this part of my body, I have no control over. It just does what it wants."
"Fine then, I'll destroy it!" Rias closes her eyes and screams in embarassement. Her destructive energy manifesting.
Now Belial is the one in hot water. He leaps up with a start and points at Rias like she's commiting a war crime. "Don't you dare!!!! Don't you fucking dare!!!" Belial is so desperate, his voice cracks.
"Hai. Calm down." Akeno claps her hands together and places them on Rias's shoulders. Gently encouraging her to put the destruction energy away.
With Rias no longer glowing threateningly, Belial is able to relax. "Thank fucking God..."
"Uwu, uwu. His thing poked me." Rias turns to Akeno and cries.
"I know, I know. Come here." Akeno hugs her and caresses her head. Comforting Rias. Meanwhile Akeno's cheeks blush red, deriving untold amounts of sadistic pleasure from this situation.
Belial quickly takes his clothes and escapes. Rushing home to his bed.
His forehead heals up by the morning anyway. Rendering the nights charade completely pointless.