Woke up in DXD

Chapter 6: End of Schoolyear

In the forest near school.

Kiba lunges at Belial with his sword. Belial parrys it and counters, but it's blocked. Kiba takes another step and executes a powerful slash downwards.

However he oversteps.

Belial steps out of the way of his sword and sweeps Kiba's lead foot. Making him stumble awkwardly. Before Kiba can regain balance, a sword rests against his neck.

"I give up." Kiba states, displaying a helpless smile.

Belial removes the sword from his neck and relaxes his posture. "That's what you get for using flashy moves."

Kiba chuckles and looks down. "But Belial-san, you're really amazing..." He looks at the Belial, who's turned his back to him.

Belial glances back. "How so?"

"It hasn't been even a month since you became a devil and you can already win against me." Kiba says. A sad smile on his face.

"Perhaps. But that was just the first. Don't make that sad face just yet." Leaving those words behind, Belial walks away to hit the shower.

The past two weeks have passed monotonously. Every day Belial trains his body, his demonic power and his skills. With the addition now of making contracts as an after school job.

So far he's been working hard to come up with the most efficient strategy for increasing his demonic power. His current priority is to increase his power as much as possible and create a solid foundation. Which he can later take to the next level with technique.

Normally you'd want a teacher for this. But what Belial did is take a notepad and write down every training method he could remember from anime. Them tested them out on his own.

The result?

An explosive increase in the amount of demonic energy he possesses. If you compare his current cultivation speed to the way Akeno taught him, his progress has increased tenfold.

However Belial still isn't satisfied. He has about a year of peace left. Everything goes to shit when the oppai dragon awakenes, so that's the time window he has to prepare.

Belial shakes his head. What a shit world to reincarnate in.

He finishes taking a shower and heads back to the club room. As he openes the door, the only one inside is Koneko. Sitting on the couch and eating chips.



They exchange greetings and Belial sits down across from her. Taking out a throwing knife and fiddling with it.

Come to think of it, he hasn't spoken to Koneko once, past Greetings. There's just never been a point.

"Konekooo...- San? What should I call you?" Belial asks.

"San is fine." She gives a curt response. Continuing munching.

"You can call me senpai or Belial. I don't mind." He says.

The doors open and Rias walks in with Akeno and Kiba. Belial still remembers the incident from 2 weeks ago, when Rias wanted to destroy his manly pride. They've not spoken about it since, but he still holds a sense of caution when being close to her.

"Now then..." Rias makes her way to her desk. "I've gathered you here to discuss plans on the upcoming spring break."

She continues. "I'll say this now, I don't have any plans for you all this time. As it is the end of the schoolyear, I'm going to give you all free reign to prepare for the next. So what do you guys want to do?"

"Should we go to the pool?" Kiba suggests.

"Ara. The pool sounds nice." Akeno adds.

Belial raises his hand. "Buchou, before we continue on this topic, I have a request."

"What is it?" Rias, curious, asks.

"I want a sword. I've been using whatever Kiba makes for me so far. But I think I should have one for myself. Just in case."

"Hmm. Are you sure you want a sword? Not another weapon?" Rias questions. Belial believes she's asking that due to him being a rook piece.

"I think for now, a sword would be the best." Belial confirms.

"All right. I'll talk to my brother and get you a sword. Anything else?" She says and looks around. Seeing if there's anything else someone from her servants needs.

"Then back to the topic of spring break. I think the pool is an excellent idea..." She states.

Once again, Belial raises his hand high up in the air. "Buchou!"

"What is it?" Rias asks, curious.

"I would like to go away until summer break." Belial declares.

"Eh?" Rias mutters. Not only her, but everyone is confused.

Belial nods and proceeds to explain. "You see I've already discussed things with the school. Before spring break, I will complete the end of the year exams. After which I got permission to skip the first semester. So I was thinking of going on a journey to explore the world."

A long silence falls in the room. Everyone trying to comprehend what Belial just said.

"Are you certain?.." Rias breaks the silence, asking.

"Yes." Belial responds.

It seems Rias has a hard time agreeing, since she just got him. But it also looks like she doesn't have a compelling reason to prohibit his desires.

"Well... Alright." She finally responds.

Belial gives her a mental thumbs up. "Thank you." But outwardly just slightly bows.

"Well, If there is nothing else, we'll end the meeting here." Rias declares.

Belial excuses himself immediately. Now that he's got the green light, he needs to prepare. He already has a good idea of what he's going to do. But there will be a lot of dangers in his way. So off to the gymn he goes.


The day has finally arrived.

It's the last day before spring break. The school is over and the students rush out to enjoy their break.

The occult research club members are all gathered outside the building to say goodbye to Belial.

"Are you truly certain you want to do this?" Rias asks with a conflicted expression. Carrying something long wrapped in cloth, in her hands.

"Yes, Buchou. You don't need to worry about me so much." Belial responds with a helpless smile.

"Fine... I have a parting gift. It's the sword you requested." She hands it over to him.

Belial unveils the sword and admires it. It's a bastard sword, sheathed in a beautiful gold and black casing. The blade of it is slightly thicker than a normal sword. Almost like it's a hybrid of a bastard and a broadsword.

"It's a magical sword. While it's nothing special, it will definetly be better than a regular sword." Rias explains.

"Thanks." Belial smiles and sheathes the sword.

Next to say goodbye to him is Kiba. He walks in front of Belial and makes a tight lipped smile. "I'll be sure to keep up with my training so I don't fall behind."

"I'll make sure you do." Belial responds with an arrogant smirk and shakes his hand.

Akeno steps up next and hands him a lunchbox. "I made it for you so you don't go hungry." She says. A bit sad at the goodbye.

Belial cocks his head, confused at what she means by that. He'll only eat a single meal out of this. "Thank you, Akeno." Still, he gives her a warm smile and accepts.

Akeno steps back and the attention goes to Koneko. "Bye." She says.

"Yeah. Bye." Belial responds.

With a last look at them all, Belial turns around and walks away. Going home.

He needs to take a bunch of things and prepare, after all.

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