Woke up in DXD

Chapter 7: Fallen Angel

Nighttime, Kansai region.

Belial runs around the streets of a city. Hunting something.

He jumps on top of a fence and uses it to leap higher. Catching something flying through the air.

They both fall down with a thud. Belial and the fallen angel he just caught.

The male fallen angles struggles with all his might, but Belial gets on top of him and starts punching him in the face. "Calm down. I just want information." He says as he repeatedly pummels him.

After the angel calms down, Belial gets off of him and draws the sword Rias gave him.

"Tell me where your master, Azazel is right now." He instructs.

It takes a few seconds for the fallen angel to recover from the beating, but he finally responds. "Y-you... won't get a way with this..."

"Don't worry. If you take me to him, I'll be sure to pay reparations. So how about it?" Belial says, putting his sword to the man's neck.

Finally realising his situation, the fallen angel changes his tune. "A-alright, alright. I'll take you to him." He says with his hands up in the air.

Belial nods, satisfied and puts the sword away. "Just so you know, if you try to escape, I'll pluck all the feathers out of your wings." He reveals his devil wings. "I am a devil, after all."


The fallen angel escorts Belial to a high end apartment building and calls apartment 69.

"Who is it?" A voice responds. A voice Belial recognises.

"Uhm. It's Kakanobe, sir. I have been beaten up by a devil and he forced me to bring him to you." He responds. An unexpectedly honest one, isn't he.

What's even more unexpected though, is that he actually brought Belial to Azazel. Belial was ready to face all ten generations of the fallen angel's buddies. He even bought life saving treasures for when he ends up stumbling on a hornets nest.

But it seems there's no need.

"A devil beat you up? Pfahahahaha! Sure, bring him up." Azazel say, cutting the call.

*Click* The door is unlocked.

Belial and Kakanobe enter the building and take the elevator up. Awkwardly staring at eachother as they wait.

They enter apartment 69. Only a few lights illuminate the rooms, but for a devil like Belial, it might as well be daytime.

"What a place." He remarks. Everything is sleek and modern. With only slightly above the bare necessities in terms of furniture.

As they enter the living room, a blonde man in a bathrobe is seated in the corner.

"He really did a number on you. How cruel." Azazel comments with a chuckle, seeing his subordinate's face.

"That was just a misunderstanding." Belial points at Kakanobe's face.

"Misunderstanding?" Azazel clarifies.

"He wasn't listening, so I had to somehow get his attention."

"Hahahaha." Azazel's boisterous laughter echoes through the apartment. "I like you. What's your name." He points and asks.

"I'm Belial Astaroth. A rook of Rias Gremory." He introduces.

"Gremory? What's a servant of Gremory got to do with me?" Azazel asks in disbelief.

"It's currently not a servant of Gremory, per se. I told my master I was going on a journey, so I'm acting independently right now." He states.

"Haha. So you go around independently attacking fallen angels? And that led you to me... So what do you want, kid?" Azazel asks. Pouring a drink for himself.

Belial takes a breath. He's running through all the information he knows about this world and organising it into what he can use as leverage.

"I have a simple wish. I want you to get me a meeting with Sun Wukong." Belial states.

Azazel frowns. "Wukong? What makes you think a general of the fallen angels would know anything about that guy?"

"In exchange for that, I'll tell you two interesting facts. One is about a longinus and the second, about a dragon King." Belial smirks.

Azazel pauses, taking a sip of his drink. He motions for Kakanoe to leave. Then takes another sip of his drink.

Azazel downs the whole glass and sighs. "I know a guy who might know a guy. So? Start with the dragon King."

Belial nods. "A kid called Saji is in possession of one of the sacred gears Vritra is sealed in. He hasn't awakened it yet though."

Azazel nods and proceeds. "And about the longinus?"

"I'll tell you if you get me the meeting." Belial states. Not an ounce of shame on his face.

"You really are an annoying brat." Azazel shakes his head.

"Half now, half later. I can give you a star sign reading as service, if you want." Belial mocks.

Azazel chortles. "Come! Have a drink with me."

"Sure. What should I call you?" Belial asks, as he makes his way to sit beside Azazel.

"I'll give you this as a service. You can call me supreme leader Azazel-sama." He mocks with a shit eating grin.

Belial clicks his tongue, but stays quiet. He's not in a position to currently pick a fight with this ancient geezer.


After having a couple of drinks with Azazel, Belial returns to the hotel he's staying at.

He's booked a single room, which is nothing special. A bed, a TV and a bathroom are the main attractions.

Belial returns to his routine training. Sitting on the bed with his eyes closed and cultivating demonic energy.

Lately there has been a change inside him. It's a curious feeling. A sense of pressure, as if threatening to blow a lid.

It's hard to describe. But Belial is becoming a bit worried. He has a bad feeling about that feeling. Like his instincts are giving him warning signs.

With all that said, He's still going full blast. Training and evolving as much as he possibly can.


Days later.

Azazel called Belial to Kyoto. Up to the street where all the Youkai live.

Passing through the streets was a strange experience for him. Seeing Youkai for the first time is pretty scary.

Azazel welcomes him inside a parlour building. Dressed in a black kimono. "Devil-kun you've made it." He calls out by the door.

Belial walks in and is led to a Japanese style private room. Where an old man with cyberpunk glasses is sitting behind a table and drinking sake.

"This is the kid that wanted to meet you. You sure have some strange fans, Wukong." Azazel sits on the ground and proceeds to drink.

"Nice to make your acquaintance. My name is Belial Zagaroth." Feeling a bit apprehensive, Belial is more polite than usual.

"Come, sit down." Wukong doesn't mind and instead invites the youngster to join them. He pours Belial a shot and slides it in front of him, without saying a word.

Belial looks at the alcohol, then at Wukong. Why do all these geezers force him to drink?

When at Rome, do as Romans do. Belial downs the shot without changing his expression.

"Ho ho!" Wukong chuckles.

"I told you he was an interesting one." Azazel adds.

"So kid. What do you want from me?" Wukong asks, while tending to his alcohol.

"I'm experiencing some trouble in my training. So I wanted to come under your tutelage." Belial says. Still feeling a bit nervous.

"Hmm. You do have something nasty swirling inside of you." Wukong states after a glance.

I do?!

Belial is shocked. He was just taking that out of his ass. He actually has problems?!

"Is it... Is it something bad?" He asks.

"Bad if you have loved ones. It's quite a sight to see to be honest." He casually comments. Completely unbothered by what he's referring to.

Belial has a worried face, but he thinks for a bit. If it's bad, if it's good. He can't do anything about it now, so there's no point in worrying. Instead he smacks his hands together and looks at Wukong. "Please take care of me, master."

"I didn't say I was going to accept you." Wukong raises an eyebrow.

"Are there requirements?" Belial asks. It's about time to get to business.

Wukong leisurely drinks his sake. Not even looking at him. However he finally directs his whole attention on Belial. "Hmm."

After a couple of seconds of peering into him, Wukong finally speaks. "Alright. I'll teach you. But on one condition."


"You'll listen to everything I say." Wukong states.

"Alright." Belial immediately agrees. That was easy...

"Well. Everything turned out great, didn't it." Azazel interrupts. "Now for you to hold up the bargain. Tell me about the longinus."

"Oh. It's about the spear of truth. Do you know it? Well it's in the possession of a kid called Cao Cao. In fact I believe master Sun Wukong here knows him." Belial explains, directing his gaze to his new teacher. So does Azazel.

Sun Wukong simply sips his alcohol. Unbothered.

"As a special service, I'll tell you this." Belial states and scoots over to Azazel.

As if about to tell him a secret, he quietly starts. "...The kid called Cao Cao is also putting together a team. If you find his team, I'm sure you'll find a couple more of them bundled together." Belial villainously smirks.

"Where did you get this information?" Sun Wukong speaks. Arousing intrest in Azazel as well.

With both their gazes on him, Belial shrugs his shoulders. "The aunties at the market told me."

Azazel sighs. "If that's true, I would also like to meet those aunties. Perhaps they'll help me find my missing underwear." He sarcastically comments.

It was either the aunties, or it came to me in a dream. It's not like Belial will tell them the truth.

"Never mind that. Just, if you need some information in the future, be sure to come to me. I'll see if the aunties reveal any more interesting facts." Belial says and once again leans over to Azazel. Staring him dead in the eyes. "I'll give it to you as a special... service. HAH!"

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