Harry Potter : This Progress Too Much

Chapter 29: Chapter 29: Fred and George

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"We think you shouldn't have been sorted into Ravenclaw, David. You belong in Gryffindor!"

"Seriously! I've never seen a first-year go on a night tour right after school started. Even we waited at least a month before trying it!"

The Weasley twins spoke in rapid succession, their excitement evident. When they saw David's name appear on the Marauder's Map outside the Ravenclaw dormitory at such a late hour, they could hardly believe their eyes.

A Ravenclaw going on a night tour this soon? It made them question if the Sorting Hat had made a mistake. This level of boldness was classic Gryffindor behavior.

Since obtaining the Marauder's Map, the twins had made a habit of observing which students tended to wander the halls after dark. Gryffindors had the largest night tour group—besides themselves, Lee Jordan and a few others frequently roamed around.

Slytherins weren't far behind, with several students sneaking out for their own secretive reasons. However, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students were almost nonexistent in these late-night adventures, with only a few rare exceptions.

"Actually," David said with a slight smirk, "the Sorting Hat did mention I had Gryffindor potential. But after thinking about it, I chose Ravenclaw instead."

Fred and George exchanged knowing looks.

"A hat-staller, huh?" George said with a grin. "That explains a lot! But even so, we still think you'd be a much better fit in Gryffindor!"

"You say that," David replied, his voice lowering conspiratorially, "but there are a lot of brilliant and beautiful witches in Ravenclaw. That alone made the decision easier."


Fred dramatically slapped his forehead as if he had just made a terrible mistake.

"Damn it! Why didn't I think of that before? I should have sent George to Ravenclaw! At least one of us would've had a chance!"

Fred sighed in exaggerated despair. Some of their Gryffindor classmates were already starting to form relationships, but their dating pool was mostly limited to fellow Gryffindors.

Several had attempted to court Ravenclaw witches, but they were swiftly rejected with a simple excuse: "You're too stupid."

"Why not send you to Ravenclaw, huh?" George countered, giving his twin a sidelong glance.

Fred scoffed, placing a hand on his brother's shoulder. "I'm your older brother, which means you should listen to me."

"You were only born a few minutes before me!"

"Okay, okay, enough," David interrupted before they could continue their bickering. "You two are both born Gryffindors. You couldn't last a day in Ravenclaw."

The twins laughed in unison. "Yeah, you're right!"

Then, remembering something, David frowned.

"By the way, you mentioned earlier that the Disillusionment Charm doesn't work well. But Filch doesn't have the Marauder's Map, does he?"

This was important. David had planned to rely on the Disillusionment Charm for future night tours. He also had Shadow Stealth, but using it too often risked exposure. The enchanted paintings and ever-watchful ghosts could still detect him once he left the shadows.

If word reached Dumbledore, that would be a problem.

Sneaking around at night was one thing—using an unknown magic ability was another. No one would believe he invented such a technique as a first-year student.

Even Snape, who was a prodigy, had only begun creating spells several years into his Hogwarts education.

That's why David preferred using Disillusionment—it was a well-known spell and wouldn't raise suspicion.

George explained, "Last year, one of our Gryffindor classmates was caught while using the Disillusionment Charm. He said he was spotted by a cat."

"Mrs. Norris has Kneazle blood," Fred added. "Her senses are incredibly sharp."

David's eyes widened in realization.

That made sense! Kneazles were known for their keen instincts and could even detect magical concealment.

In the original story, Hermione's cat, Crookshanks, also had Kneazle ancestry. He immediately recognized that Scabbers (Peter Pettigrew) wasn't an ordinary rat.

David exhaled. "I see. That's going to make things trickier."

Filch wasn't a wizard, but his loyal pet made up for his lack of magic. If Mrs. Norris could sniff out an invisible student, Disillusionment wouldn't be enough.

Fred glanced at the Marauder's Map. "Filch is heading toward the first floor now. We can move!"

David took another look at the parchment, once again marveling at its craftsmanship.

"This thing is incredible," he muttered. "An absolute masterpiece of alchemy and spellwork."

He had read about the Marauder's Map in his previous life, but seeing it in person was an entirely different experience.

The map combined various advanced magical disciplines—not just spellwork, but also enchantments, alchemical processes, and secrecy magic.

It was yet another example of how past generations of wizards were far more talented than the present.

Take the Marauders for example:

Except for Lupin, all three were illegal Animagi—and they had achieved this during school!

Becoming an Animagus required extraordinary skill in Transfiguration.

They also created this map, an alchemical artifact that displayed every individual within Hogwarts in real time.

Now? Most young wizards were only good at shouting "Expelliarmus!" every duel.

It made David wonder—was this decline because Dumbledore had restricted too many advanced books in the Hogwarts Library?

As he pondered this, George spoke up.

"This really is an amazing piece of work," he said. "Fred and I have been learning alchemy ourselves. One day, we're going to create even better magical products than this!"

David raised an eyebrow. "Alchemy, huh? What's the goal?"

Fred grinned. "You know Zonko's Joke Shop? Or Jumping & Playing Magic Joke Shop?"

"Yeah, they're the most popular joke shops in Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley," David replied.

George nodded enthusiastically. "Well, our dream is to open a joke shop that surpasses them both! A place filled with our own original products—items that will revolutionize magical pranks!"

Fred's eyes sparkled with excitement. "We've already started saving money for it, but with so many of us in the family, we barely get any pocket money."

David could see the passion in their expressions.

He already knew from future events that the Weasley twins would achieve their dream.

Though Harry would provide financial support, the real success of their store came from their own genius.

Their products weren't just for fun—many required advanced knowledge of potions, enchantments, and alchemy.

Some even had practical uses beyond pranks, which was why the Ministry of Magic eventually became one of their biggest customers.

"I believe in you two," David said sincerely. "You'll definitely open the best joke shop in history."

The twins grinned at his confidence.

David chuckled. It was refreshing to see someone chasing a dream with such passion.

However, deep down, he felt a pang of sadness.

He already knew how their story ended.

If only things had been different...

If only Fred had survived the war...

But for now, that was a future yet to come.

And in this moment, all that mattered was the Weasley twins' laughter echoing through the darkened halls of Hogwarts.

End of Chapter 29


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