Chapter 4: A Dance with a Father
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Blade stepped out of the gear room… slowly… dramatically… just like superheroes do in the final moments of a blockbuster movie. But instead of an epic soundtrack, he was making a long "Tsssshhhhhh" sound with his tongue, as if providing his own sound effects.
He was clad in a suit reminiscent of Deadpool's, but with deep black and dark violet tones, perfectly matching the aura of chaos and mystery he carried with him. Two sharp swords rested on his back, and two sleek pistols gleamed at his sides. He stood in the center, hands on his hips, while everyone stared at him with blank expressions.
Beast Boy almost clapped, but stopped himself. Starfire raised an intrigued eyebrow. Robin shut his eyes, summoning whatever patience he had left.
And Blade? Oh, he was in a completely different reality.
Blade (turning to the group slowly): "Oh… my… god… Do you SEE me? Do you FEEL the presence? Are you overwhelmed by the sheer awesomeness of this suit? It's like… like a warm embrace from death itself! I feel like… like a main character in a big-budget action movie… but with better dialogue! Ahh… wait… a moment of silence… for the beauty…"
He took a deep breath, then turned to admire his reflection in one of Cyborg's screens while the others just stared in disbelief.
Robin (grumbling): "Are you done? We have an actual DEMONIC CATASTROPHE to deal with!"
Blade ignored him completely, still admiring his suit.
Blade: "Tsk, tsk, tsk… Robin, my dear stressed-out friend, you don't understand ART when you see it! This isn't just a suit… this is a masterpiece… This is a SCREAM to the universe saying: 'Yes, I am HERE, and I am about to FLIP THE TABLE on everything you thought you knew!'"
Cyborg placed his metal hand over his face and exhaled heavily.
Cyborg: "Alright, alright… you've got two swords, two guns, and… yeah, I'll admit, the look is cool. BUT… we have a small problem…"
Blade turned to him suddenly, fake concern written all over his face.
Blade: "Oh no! Don't tell me… We forgot to bring JUICE?! I was REALLY in the mood for some blueberry juice during the fight!"
Cyborg (ignoring him): "Your ammo… is gonna run out fast. And you, genius, look like the type of guy who's gonna burn through all his bullets in the first five minutes!"
Blade paused, glancing at his guns, then at Cyborg… then directly at the reader.
Blade (whispering to the reader): "Okay… so he's not wrong. But don't tell him that—I gotta maintain my rep here!"
Then, out of nowhere, he spun toward Raven with a huge grin.
Blade: "Oooooooh, Raaaaaaveeeeen, our dark and mystical enchantress! You're good at making things, right? Like shadow orbs, creepy dark portals, and personalized hellscapes for people who annoy you?"
Raven narrowed her eyes at him, replying in a flat voice.
Raven: "Where is this going?"
Blade raised his pistols, pointing at her excitedly.
Blade: "How about you use your crazy powers and make me an infinite ammo clip?! You know, one of those magical clips that just keep firing non-stop! Because, honestly, I have a strong feeling that regular ammo just won't cut it with me!"
The entire room froze. Even Beast Boy stopped laughing and looked at Raven expectantly.
Beast Boy: "Wooooah… Is that even possible?"
Raven closed her eyes for a moment, then looked at Blade again, as if trying to decide whether he was actually worth the effort.
Raven: "An infinite ammo clip… Dark magic that complex… Do you realize this could disrupt the balance between energy and reality?"
Blade stared at her blankly for a moment… then burst out laughing.
Blade: "Aaaah! 'Disrupting balance'... 'Threat to nature'... No, no, no! That's some deep philosophical mumbo-jumbo! Let me put it in simpler terms…"
He pointed toward the horizon, where the sky was growing darker, signaling Trigon's imminent arrival.
Blade: "There's a giant demon coming to wipe out the world… and then there's me, the guy who's gonna try and dump as many bullets into his skull as humanly possible! Isn't that reason enough?"
Raven exhaled sharply, then closed her eyes, slowly raising her hands. A dark violet energy began swirling around Blade's pistols… Moments later, the magazines transformed into glowing, arcane symbols.
She opened her eyes and looked at Blade, her face completely unreadable.
Raven: "Here. Your infinite ammo clip… But be warned, if you misuse it, there could be a time explosion or a reality glitch—no one knows exactly what the side effects might be."
Blade held up his guns, staring at them like a child receiving the ultimate birthday gift. Then, with sheer joy, he lifted them into the air.
Blade: "WAAAAAH! UNLIMITED AMMO?! Do you guys realize what this MEANS?!"
Robin, Beast Boy, and Starfire all stared at him, waiting for the answer.
Blade (grinning wildly): "It means I can keep firing bullets until gravity ITSELF starts questioning its laws! It means I could single-handedly cause an economic crisis in the ammo industry! It means… that I am now… officially… Trigon's worst nightmare with a gun!"
Cyborg gave Robin a concerned look.
Cyborg: "Are we absolutely sure we didn't just make a massive mistake here?"
Robin pinched the bridge of his nose, then let out a deep sigh.
Robin: "No time for regrets… Everyone, get to the ship! The battle is starting now!"
Inside the ship:
As tension filled the air, everyone was busy monitoring the energy spikes outside. Blade, however, sat quietly next to Raven, elbows on his knees… and for once, he looked… serious.
Robin was piloting the ship at full speed toward the massive energy source. Starfire was flying alongside them outside. Beast Boy sat backward in his seat like he was on a school field trip, while Cyborg was occupied making sure the ship didn't fall apart mid-flight.
But none of that mattered to Blade at this moment...
He glanced at Raven, who was staring at the ground, as if trying to mentally prepare herself to face her terrifying father.
Blade (his voice calm but direct): "Alright, Dark Princess, tell me… what's the old man planning?"
Everyone's heads snapped up instantly, even Robin turned slightly in surprise!
Robin (whispering to Cyborg): "Is… is he actually being serious?"
Cyborg raised an eyebrow and muttered.
Cyborg: "I think so… and that's scarier than Trigon himself."
Raven lifted her gaze toward Blade, narrowing her eyes slightly, trying to figure out if he was messing with her like always… but she found no trace of mockery in his tone.
Raven: "Why are you asking?"
Blade tilted his head slightly, as if deciding the best way to phrase his answer.
Blade: "Because, for the first time, I'm not fighting just for fun or chaos… We're up against a full-blown 'final boss' in a video game—the only difference is, this isn't a game. And if we fail, everyone dies."
Silence filled the room for a moment… then Blade leaned back in his chair, but his gaze remained sharp and serious.
Blade: "I might be crazy, chaotic, and not take things seriously most of the time… but even I know when shit is real. So… I want to know everything about him. Weaknesses, plans—hell, does he have allergies? Is he afraid of unpaid bills? Anything we can use."
Raven studied him for a long moment before exhaling and beginning to speak.
Raven: "My father, Trigon, isn't just a demon… He's destruction and chaos given form. His power is limitless in his own realm, but he needs a gateway to fully take control here. Every time he tries to cross over, we stop him… but somehow, he always finds a way back."
Blade nodded as he listened, while the others were just stunned… He wasn't joking. He wasn't making fun of the situation. He was analyzing.
Raven (continuing): "His weaknesses? Very few… but he requires a human vessel to fully enter this world. And usually… that vessel is me."
Blade was silent for a moment, then muttered.
Blade: "Well… that explains a lot. But what if… we break the damn rule?"
Raven: "What do you mean?"
Blade (grinning wickedly): "What if instead of getting a human vessel… he gets unlimited fucking bullets to the face instead?"
Raven stared at him for a second… then, for the first time, let out a small chuckle.
Raven: "You're insane."
Blade: "Ah, I know that… but right now… I'm crazy with a plan."
Robin glanced at them through the front mirror, muttering to himself.
Robin: "Huh… maybe this guy won't be completely useless after all…"
As the ship pierced through the dark clouds, drawing closer to the demonic energy source, Blade never took his eyes off Raven—almost as if he was trying to pull the answers straight from her mind before she even spoke them.
Blade (with sudden seriousness): "Alright, let's say he does get inside you… how do we get him the hell out without turning you into demonic dust or, you know… having to kill you?"
Raven was silent for a moment, closing her eyes slightly, as if diving deep into her thoughts.
Raven: "There are ways, but they're all dangerous… One method is using banishment spells, but they require a sorcerer of equal strength. I'd say Zatanna or Doctor Fate could help… but we have no idea if they're even close enough to reach us right now."
Blade (raising an eyebrow): "Alright, what about the more… violent approach? I mean… I tend to favor solutions that involve violence and explosions."
Raven (exhaling softly): "The other option is weakening him first before forcefully extracting him. My human body can't fully withstand his presence, but if he enters it, he'll have just enough protection… unless we weaken him."
Blade's grin spread slowly as he took a deep breath, then turned toward Beast Boy, who had been silently watching the conversation.
Blade: "You hear that, Green Bean? We need to downgrade Trigon from 'Final Boss Level' to 'Tutorial Enemy' before we even think about kicking him out!"
Beast Boy raised an eyebrow, then smirked.
Beast Boy: "Ah, just like when someone steals your pizza… you weaken them first, then snatch the box back by force!"
Blade clapped his hands slowly.
Blade: "Exactly! You get it, you little genius, I'm proud of you!"
Robin cut into the conversation, keeping his focus on piloting.
Robin: "But how do we weaken him? Does he have a specific weakness?"
Raven nodded slightly.
Raven: "His power comes from his own dimension. Here on Earth, he can be affected by opposing forces. Divine light, pure energy, and even certain magical weapons can hurt him. But the most important thing… is willpower."
Blade blinked in surprise, tilting his head.
Blade: "Willpower? What do you mean?"
Raven: "The more I resist, the harder it is for him to take over. But he's incredibly strong… I can't stop him alone. But if I get outside help, we might be able to keep him incomplete… and that will weaken him!"
Blade placed a hand on his chin, muttering to himself.
Blade: "Alright… we have a plan now, at least half a plan. Half of Raven keeps him incomplete, and we hit him with everything we've got so he can't fully take control…"
Then, he suddenly spun toward Cyborg.
Blade: "Hey, Robo-Boy, do you have anything in that arsenal of yours that works like an exorcism cannon? Something that fires pure energy rounds, concentrated sunlight, or maybe just a weapon that makes demons shit their pants?"
Cyborg slowly swiveled his chair around, staring at Blade with a blank expression.
Cyborg: "First off, don't call me Robo-Boy. Second, do I look like a holy weapons store? But… maybe I have something close."
Blade's grin stretched slowly.
Blade: "That's what I love to hear! Load 'em all up! Now we just have to not die while pulling this off!"
Robin cut in again, pointing downward.
Robin: "Enough talking, we're here."
Everyone peered out the window…
A massive, crimson-red portal loomed in the middle of a ruined city, radiating waves of demonic energy like a pulsating, living wound in reality. The real fight was about to begin.
Amidst the rubble and destruction, the hellish gate stood like a towering, malevolent titan, emanating an eerie, blood-red glow. The wind, tainted with dark energy, howled through the ruins like whispered promises of something unstoppable approaching.
The Titans were ready—weapons raised, magic crackling, eyes locked on the portal… but… where the hell was Blade?
Robin (angrily): "Where's that idiot?! He was supposed to be here with us!"
Beast Boy shifted into a wolf, sniffing the air, but after a moment, he lifted his head in frustration.
Beast Boy: "No trace of him… maybe he chickened out?"
Before anyone could answer, it happened.
From within the portal, something colossal began to materialize.
Six massive, glowing red eyes snapped open, and a gigantic demonic hand tore through the barrier between worlds.
Trigon himself had arrived.
Trigon (his voice rumbling through the air like a death knell): "My dear daughter… it is time to accept your fate."
Raven squeezed her eyes shut, feeling his power surging into her like an invading tide—not just creeping in… but crashing down with full force!
Her eyes flickered red for a brief moment, her body trembling…
But she wasn't alone!
Robin: "We're not letting you take her!"
He leaped forward, attacking with his electrified metal sword, while Starfire unleashed her starbolts, and Beast Boy transformed into a dragon, charging with full force. As for Cyborg, he fired his most powerful cannons.
But Trigon was no ordinary demon... He blocked their attacks with his hand as if they were nothing, then struck them with a massive wave of demonic energy, sending them flying like ragdolls.
Raven screamed, struggling to hold on to the last shred of her will, but Trigon was stronger... He was about to complete his control over her...
Then suddenly...
A gunshot tore through the air!
A single bullet, fired from amidst the rubble, coated in some strange energy, struck Trigon's middle eye! The massive beast roared in pain for a brief moment...
And then...
A familiar voice—the voice everyone was waiting for...
Blade (stepping out of the shadows, placing his foot on a crumbling rock, twirling his gun):
"Well, well, sorry for the delay. Had an important meeting... with myself. A little meditation, some soul-searching... You know, the usual."
Everyone turned toward the voice, and the Titans saw him standing there, but...
Something was different about him...
His eyes glowed faintly with a strange color… and the energy around him felt... unnatural.
Robin: "What the hell did you do?!"
Blade (grinning mischievously): "Oh, nothing major... Just decided to get to know my enemy... personally."
Then he raised his hand and gestured toward his body.
There was a strange glow… as if a small fragment of Trigon's energy was swirling around him. But it wasn't controlling him—he was using it!
Trigon roared in fury, locking his gaze onto Blade.
Trigon: "You insolent little mortal... HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY POWER?!"
Blade chuckled, spinning his gun around his finger before looking directly at the reader.
Blade: "Alright, dear reader, looks like we're about to play a little game called 'Who Can Kill the Demon Faster?''... Buckle up, 'cause I'm about to do something absolutely f**ing awesome!"*
Trigon roared again, attempting to crush Blade with his fist.
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