Lost In Sea: Catte & Colin

Chapter 6: Chapter 5: New Job

After waking up, Catte carefully got out of bed, making sure not to wake Ruby. He then headed to the bathroom, taking a shower while thinking to himself:

"Has my life really been controlled by that damn man…?" Catte muttered in his thoughts.

After his shower, he went straight to the fridge and grabbed whatever food was left—just some bread and a bottle of milk. Even with such little food, he managed to hold on for the time being.

"Ding Dong!" The sound of the doorbell rang from the front door.

When Catte looked through the small peephole, he saw Colin standing outside, bringing him some food and ready to take him to his new job. Catte opened the door and allowed Colin inside.

"Are you ready for your new job, sweetheart?" Colin asked with a sweet smile.

Catte could only think to himself:

"I should break your damn spine and see how you feel."

Without saying anything, he took the food from Colin's hands and placed it on the table.

"You'll start work at 11:00 AM and return home at 6:00 PM, got it? Your job is simple—just serve the customers. Easy, right?" Colin explained.

Suddenly, Ruby woke up and walked towards Catte, hugging his leg without crying. Catte immediately picked her up and took her to the bathroom to clean her up. Colin simply smiled as he watched Ruby, noticing how her curly hair stood out.

After giving Ruby a bath, Catte fed her two chicken drumsticks, while Colin was only given a single small chicken neck.

"Is this all you're giving me?" Colin asked, confused.

"Just eat it." Catte replied bluntly.

After finishing his meal, Catte changed into the clothes Colin had given him and prepared for work.

"Hey, what about your little sister? You're just going to leave her alone?" Colin asked.

"I can take care of myself!" Ruby answered confidently.

Catte let out a slight smile, even though Colin was just joking around with Ruby.

While Catte was inside Colin's car, Colin casually said:

"Catte, you know, you could find a different job instead—like working at a nightclub."

A place where tall, dominant men—like so-called 'alphas'—did the kind of work that Catte would never want to be involved in.

Catte immediately rejected the suggestion, even though the salary there was far higher than at the restaurant near his home.

"I will never work there, no matter how high the pay is. I refuse to sell my body just to seduce money out of others." Catte replied firmly.

Colin simply smiled at Catte's response and continued driving toward their destination. Upon arrival, Catte stepped out of the car and entered the restaurant.

"Wow... this place is huge and spacious," Catte murmured.

Despite the restaurant's size, there were only a few regular customers. However, the ones that gathered in large numbers were the kind of people involved in activities no normal person would want to take part in—in short, gangsters.

Catte approached the manager and greeted him.

"So, you must be the new worker? Welcome to our restaurant!" the manager said cheerfully.

"Good luck, Catte. I've got my own business to take care of," Colin said, waving at him before leaving.

Catte began his new job by washing dishes, while Colin received a call from his boss—ordering him to carry out an assassination on a rival gang involved in drug trafficking.

[Chapter 5: End]

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