Chapter 7: Chapter 6: Colin Job
After receiving the call from his boss, Colin immediately got into his vehicle and headed toward the location where the drug-dealing gang was operating. During the journey, Caleb called Colin and sent him the exact location.
A few minutes later, Colin, Caleb, and a group of their men stormed into the building. Chaos erupted like a brutal fight between cats and dogs. Colin stepped forward and began destroying the drug supplies and other illicit materials.
"Damn it! Our numbers are dwindling! We need to hurry before reinforcements arrive!" Caleb shouted.
Colin, however, remained calm.
"Relax, bro. Our backup will be here soon," he replied nonchalantly.
Suddenly, one of the enemy gang members pulled out a heavy weapon and opened fire on Colin's group. Caleb and Colin barely managed to dodge the attack, taking cover behind a steel table.
"Shit! Now what?! That guy has an M249!!" Caleb yelled in panic.
Out of nowhere, the gunman was shot dead from behind.
"Hahaha… there we go! Our boss has arrived—Mother Caleb!" Colin said with a grin.
"Wipe out this mess immediately!" Mother Caleb ordered her subordinates.
"How's it going, Mother Caleb? Is that the outfit I bought you for your birthday?" Colin asked, glancing at her clothes.
"Mom? What are you doing here? Weren't you supposed to be at work?" Caleb asked in confusion.
"Hahaha, I came to retrieve data from this gang's manager," Mother Caleb replied.
After extracting data from the manager's computer, she handed Colin a reward of $500,000 and asked:
"Here's your payment. Have you made that omega-type man settle his debt with his brother—Lavirian?"
"Yeah, he's paying it off little by little, even though I already covered half of it," Colin responded.
Meanwhile, at the restaurant, Catte was busy taking orders from four gang members—dealers who were currently on a break.
"Hey, you cat! Are you free tonight?" one of the gang members asked.
And then that one gang touch catte ass and
Squeeze it,catte take a plate and then smach it at one of gang member
"Don't touch my butt!" Catte snapped angrily.
Three gang members grabbed Catte from behind and tried to pull down his pants. But just before they could go any further, Colin stormed into the restaurant and said coldly,
"What do you think you're doing to Catte?"
Without waiting for an answer, he yanked Catte out of the room and shut the door behind him, saying,
"Wait here, sweetheart."
What followed was pure chaos—sounds of fists landing, bones cracking, and pained groans filled the room. Catte could only stand outside, adjusting his clothes while feeling uneasy about what was happening inside.
Once Colin was done beating them senseless, the restaurant manager rushed in, apologizing profusely. It turned out that the restaurant's owner was Caleb, a close friend of Colin.
Catte was allowed to leave early to take care of Ruby and even received a $500 paycheck for necessities.
On the way home, Colin and Catte stopped by a store to stock up on supplies for the next month. Colin also bought a microwave for Ruby so she could prepare her own meals.
[Chapter 6: End]