Pokemon: Nexus of worlds

Chapter 10: The Viridian Forest

"Please come back again." Said the shopkeeper as Max left the Pokémon center.

Max had some cash provided by his mother, around 30k Pokedoller.

From which he spent 4,000 for 20 pokeballs, with which he got extra 2 premier balls as reward.

Bought 5 potions, antidotes and paralyzed heal each for 2,500 total. Making the total expenditure of 6,500 Pokedoller.

Max also stopped by the cafeteria to load some foods for himself and for his Pokémon, as according to nurse joy, it would take around 2 days and a night normally to cross the forest.

After some thinking and contemplating, Max decided to leave Jerry the Ratata and Kagami the Spearow out.

There was three reasons for why.

First, limited food stock.

Second, he wanted to focus on his main Pokémon only at the moment, which consisted of Kaen, Shu and Raiken.

And last, he also wanted to catch new Pokémon from forest.

And beside, with Kaen and Shu with him, the forest was bound to be a breeze.

With everything done, he made his way from Viridian City to Route 2 which eventually led to Viridian forest.

Kaen, walked besides him, looking excited and her eyes shining like stars as she looked around the surrounding, finally bidding farewell to the Viridian City, which had been their home for past 2 days.


As he reached the Forest, the first thing he was greeted was with the large vegetation and the greenery of the forest. The forest stretched wide as far as his eyes could see.

The long trees stood wide, every single one of the trees being house of multiple bug Pokémon. Their leaves so dense even sunlight struggled to phase through them.

Cries of several bug Pokémon echoed around the forest and the birds soared through the skies.

Comparing this to the Route 1 or even 22 almost sounded offensive, it had no comparison whatsoever.

Despite the density of forest, a route could be spotted that went in and around the forest, maybe it was due to multiple people walking over and over again trying to reach the city.

Maybe I should follow this route to reach the Pewter Town. was what he thought.

Excited, Max dashed toward the forest, following the route. Which Kaen, equally as excited, followed him.

They explored around the forest, fighting wild Pokemons, climbing trees and exploring the forest.

Max was so tempted to catch the bug Pokemons but held himself back. Although he didn't like bugs or bug Pokemons, having Pokemons eventually turning into Beedrill or Butterfree sounded tempting.

But he held his excitement, Caterpie and Weedle was too normal spawn here, so he would just catch the just before leaving the forest.

That way, he would have Also catch those Pokemons and also prevented himself from excess use of Pokemon foods.

But... He was proven wrong, now he kinda felt dumb to even think food would be an issue in a forest as big as this.

Everywhere he turned his gaze, trees full of Berries surrounded him.

So what did that meant? More battle snd Pokemon catching!

[Weedle have been registered to your pokedex!]

[Caterpie have been registered to your pokedex!]

Yup, that's how it went.

I will just nickname them later. Was what Max thought to himself before continuing to explore further.

Both new addition were... Weak but were able to stand their ground against the bugs of the forest that were even more weak.

Kaen or Shu, both have reached to the point that battling low level bugs of this area did little to no help for their growth.

So, he had chose to train the other 3 instead. It would be better the soon he evolves these bugs.

After all the running around and shouting, he was finally exhausted and decided to take rest on the a base of a tree.

He made sure not to get too far away from the route, getting lost is the last thing he wanted.

He had already wasted 2 days from his 7 days Trainer privilege pack, only 5 days remained before he needed to defeat and win his first gym badge and regain the privileges.

"Ok everyone, lunch time!"

All pokeballs snapped open and came out the Pokemons from it.

Shu fluttered it's wings and landed gracefully on Max's shoulder, it seems it was it's favorite spot.

Raiken, immediately looked around, searching for Ratata.

For some unknown reasons, It loved bothering Jerry, it's very own punching bag(one of the reasons Max left Jerry back on the PC)

After being sure Jerry wasn't there, it looked at the two newbies, Caterpie and Weedle, new victim for him to play with.

Max opened his bag and began to ready food for Pokemons.

After food was ready, Pidgey jumps off his shoulder and was the first one to begin eating the food.

Max looked towards the others, Kaen was scolding Raiken as Caterpie and Weedle hid behind her, seemingly because Raiken was picking them up, throwing them in air and juggling with them earlier.

After a while, all of them had began to eat, Max sat in the shade of the tree as he took out the Onigiri from the bag and begun eating himself. He looked at the sun, it was directly atop him shining in its full might, must be around 1 PM.

As he was eating, Kaen slowly walked closer to Max, holding her bowl and sat beside him and began eating while leaning on Max.

After eating was done, the exploration continued.

"Hey you!" A voice rang out from behind Max.

Max turned around, holding Kaen on his arms raising her above enough for her to pick the juicy oran berries growing in the short berry trees.

"Who are you?" Said the kid as he walked towards Max.

Judging from his outfit and the net he was holding, he must be a bug catcher.

Kaen raised the oran berry and bit it, totally uninterested in the bug catcher, the mix flavored juice of the berry immediately made her squirm in delight.

"I am Max, you?" Max asked, holding Kaen closer to his chest.

The bug catcher looked annoyed, too annoyed, it stamped it's feet in ground and pointed at Max and started his upburst.

"I am sick of losing!, first that weak looking Vixen and second that smug kid, you must be one of them."

Max had no idea of what the kid was going on about, but judging from his description... Is he talking about Reina and Hugo?

"What are you talking about?"

"Enough! I challenge you to a battle, get ready to lose!"

Max sighed, he looked down at Kaen who was still eating the berry while leaning on his shoulder.

Max nodded with a sigh, he took out his pokeball from his waist with his free hand.

"Go Weedle,"

He sent out Weedle.

The kid was a bug catcher, using Kaen or Shi against him would be a overkill massacre, he wasn't fan of bullying, and beside it will be a good training for Weedle and he would also get to know it better.

The kid smirked, "Starting weak huh... I would show you what Richie-sama can do, Go Kakuna!"

The pokeball opened and a Kakuna stood tall in front of Weedle.

Yea... Just stood.

Max eyes narrowed in annoyance, no way he picked a Pokemon that can barely even move.

The kid, whose seemed to be named Richie laughed in haughty way, "Are you surprised by Richie-sama supermacy, I have a Pokemon that is evolved form of your weak bug! Hahaha"

No no no, evolution should be least bit of your concern...

Max thought, with a sigh he continued the battle.

5 minutes later...

As expected, the battle was one sided. The other remaining Pokemon he had was Metapod and another Kakuna.

3 cocoon Pokemon, and all of them was what he caught in wild... He evolved none of them and had just recently caught them.

He shared no bond and the only moves his mons knew, or the moves that he was aware his Pokemon knew was Harden, and what's more was his Pokemon didn't even obeyed him.

This guy was a living joke.

Anyway, thanks for the free exp.

Both Caterpie and Weedle seemed to have grown decently from the battle.

Well, guess there was one thing to be grateful of.

After losing, tears well up on Richie's eyes as he threw a tantrum.

"You will pay, you will pay! You cheating bastard!" and began running away.

Well, that sure was something. Anyway... Max thought to himself.

He woke Kaen up, who apparently fell asleep while watching the battle, and had continued his journey opposite to where the kid ran.

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