Pokemon: Nexus of worlds

Chapter 9: The Impatient Mankey

Max checked through his PC, checking his Pokemon storage system. Since bill existed in this timeline the pokemon storage system was a thing.

He had no clue how it worked though, guess he would ask Bill once he meet him.

The pokemon currently available to him was Ratata and Spearow he caught earlier in Route 1.

While Charmander was being treated, he had already started to think about the upcoming, and his first gym challenge.

He sighed and turned off the system, none of his pokemon will be useful for the first gym challenge, even his ace Charmander was useless against rock types.

Sure, it would be useful once he had access to the Metal Claw move or even better if dragon rage, but only those two wasn't enough.

Guess he would have to train his Charmander Metal Claw and Dragon Rage too if possible, and while he was at it, there was a pokemon he had to have for the Gym challenge, and it was available in Route 22, which was his destination before the gym.

After his Charmander was healed, he picked it up and made his way to Route 22.


Route 22,

It was a huge clearing with tall trees surrounding it.

Again, the world far exceeded his expectations, comparing it's sheer size to the game almost was laughable.

He roamed the place for the search of Mankey, a fighting type pokemon.

But the lady of luck(or maybe lady of encounter) had turned her back against him, he kept encountering Ratata's and Spearows over and over again.

He wasn't fool enough to let it just be waste, so while he was at it, he fought them, good training for his Charmander and Pidgey, as well as the Ratata and Spearow he just now withdraw from the PC. Why? Cause he knew life won't be easy and spoon feed him, so why not take opportunity to train and level up all his mons.

He tried guiding his Charmander to strengthen it's claws or even firing off it's breath in a different way, kinda like Dragon Rage... But to no surprise all his effort failed. He sucked at teaching.

But Pidgey was showing significant growth, It had already learned Gust and Quick Attack. Teaching those moves to Pidgey was really easy then teaching Charmander Metal Claw or Dragon Rage.

The reason was simple, their elemental affinities.

Gust and Quick attack was Flying and Normal type moves respectively, and Pidgey was a Normal-Flying type pokemon, so learning those moves corresponding to it's type was significantly easier then for Charmander to learn Metal Claw and Dragon Rage which was Steel and Dragon move, none corresponding to Charmander's Fire Type.

But what caught Max eyes was the growth his other two pokemon had. Ratata and Spearow, he had gravely underestimated them.

Spearow had access to moves like peck, growl and leer, two freaking stats lowering moves, and it soon after learned Pursuit and fury attack.

Meanwhile, Ratata had learned Quick attack and Bite. It wad in middle of learning the move focus energy.

As he kept training and spending time with them, he grew to learn his pokemon more. Of course Pokedex played huge role in it, it was truly a discovery of the century.

His Charmander was female, Had ability Solar power.

Pidgey, Male and had ability Keen eyes. An ability that will never let it's accuracy get lowered.

Ratata, it was Male, and had ability Guts... An ability that strength the power by 1.5x on status conditions.

Spearow, Female and had the ability Sniper... Sniper is an ability that strengthens the Critical hit damage from 2x to 3x.

And that's not taking S.T.A.B or any other multiplier in account.

A Spearow with Sniper and focus energy, a move that multplies the chances of landing critical hit, suddenly seems terrifying.

That's why he is teaching his Ratata Focus energy, since it learns that move significantly earlier then Spearow, it can teach it once it had itself learned it.


Finally the white monkey/pig hybrid had appeared. Looking as angry and over energetic as he remembered.

"Pidgey, go!"


Pidgey jumped from his shoulder into the air, spreading it's wings gracefully as it floated in the air.

"Pidgey, Go, use Gust!"

Pidgey began flapping it's wings, the speed and power so high it had caused a strong Gust of winds to appear.

Mankey tried to block it by crossing it's arms, but the Gust hit it directly and struk it on the tree.

"Go! Pokeball!"

He throws the pokeball at the Mankey, the pokeball hits, and sucks it inside the ball.

The ball wiggles, 1...2.. Baam! The pokeball burst it's mouth open and the Mankey cones out, looking even more enraged.

It spares a sharp glare against pidgey.

Is it using leer? Too bad Pidgey is immune to it.

"Pidgey, again Gust!"

Pidgey used the move again, Mankey gets hit again and lands on another Tree, it opened its eyes and immediately jumps atop the tree.

It jumped from one tree to another, closing distance between them gravely.

Max follows his Mankey with his eyes, letting it get close enough to Pidgey.

After believing it was close enough, Mankey jumps towards Pidgey, its fist glowing in white as it begun to unleash it's move.

Karate chop? How the hell!

"Pidgey, dodge then Gust!"

Mankey eas strong, but it was no match for Pidgey on air, all pidgey had to do was move slightly and Mankey will fall to the ground as it had no means of changing it's path midair.

As Mankey realized it's attack had failed, it tried to catch Pidgey with it's tail, a simple force of Gust in it's back slammed it straight in ground.

It's eyes now having spiral pattern, securing Pidgey safe victory.

"You did great buddy!"

Max said, caressing Pidgey's head as it landed back to his shoulder with it's chest puffed in pride.

Charmander jumps to Max bag, rummaging a Pokeball out and runs to the fallen Mankey, and hits it's head with the pokeball.

The pokeball cracks open and sucks it inside, and afte wobbling three times, the pokeball turns green.

[Mankey have been registered to your pokedex.]

Charmander jumps in joy, it always wanted to do that, it grabs the pokeball and runs back to Max, holding it out to him with a puffed chest, expecting a praise.


No. 019: Ratata

Mouse Pokemon

Ht: 1' 00"

Wt: 7.7 lbs.

Bites anything when it attacks. Small and Very quick, it is common sight in many places.


No. 021: Spearow

Tiny Bird Pokemon

Ht: 1' 00"

Wt: 4.4 lbs.

Eats bugs in grassy areas. It has to flap its short wings at high speed to stay airborne.


No. 056: Mankey

Pig Monkey Pokemon

Ht: 1' 08"

Wt: 61.7 lbs.

Extremely quick to anger. It could be docile one moment then thrashing away the next instant.


Was what the pokedex said.

Max ate his lunch along with his other 5 pokemons. They were laughing, fighting and playing with each other, but eating nonetheless.

After catching Mankey, he had immediately returned back to Pokemon Center and healed his Pokemon.

It was almost night, so he thought he would spend the night today in Viridian city and leave for the Forest the very first thing in the morning.

Realistically, he should put his unwanted Pokemon in box and focus only on his mains, but by now he had started to slowly form a bond with Ratata and Spearow, so he was little reluctant to put them away.

It won't hurt to keep them along for more.

After finishing the meal, he walked back to the room, his mind was now thinking of if he should nick name his Pokemons.

Earlier he shrugged away just the mere thoughts of renaming his Pokemons, but after spending so much time with them and the way they put their faith in him, it just didn't felt right for him to call them with their species name.

Isn't it same as calling someone "human" Or "Asian" Or their family name or something like that.

After some thoughts he had finally made his decision.

He sat on bed, his Pokemons surrounding him.

"Ok guys, I will now give y'all names ok?"

Charmander, since she was a Female, naming her just "Blaze", " Inferno" Didn't stood right, and it was also overly used name. Instead, a proper name with a slightly feminine touch...

And what about Pidgey, Spearow, Ratata and Mankey....

Ok, that's a huge headache now.

The Pokemon kept staring at his face as he went through series of face expression, they wondered if their trainer had gone mad or questioning if they are doing the right thing following this weirdo.

Charmander sat on his lap, leaning her back on his chest, she kept staring at her face. Sometimes even scolding and practically keeping Mankey away from pulling Max's hairs.

Ratata sat on bed in front of him, curled up and trying to sleep if it wasn't for Spearow bothering him in every 5 seconds.

And Pidgey, it had rather Calm nature, it just sat in Max's shoulder and watched other.

After some deep thinking, Max finally opened his eyes, slightly nervous but finally thought of name for all five.

He cleared his throat and began naming them all.

Charmander will be named Kaen.

a Japanese name which literally means Flame, and could also be translated as Flower Garden Princess. He felt the name was befitting for Charmander and her adorable side.

Pidgey will be named Shu.

Ratata will be named Jerry.

Yes from Tom and Jerry.

Spearow will be named Kagami.

Basically meaning Mirror, cause it is known for Mirror move.

And finally Mankey, will be named Raiken.

Rai for Lightning and Ken for Fist or punch, meaning lightning fist or punch as fast as lightning.

Surprisingly all of them(especially Mankey) sat in silence as he began naming each of them, and all of them gives him a smile and a cry of appreciation.

Charmander, Kaen, gives him a wide smile still sitting on his lap, she seems to be really happy from being named.

Max wiped a sweat, sighed in relief, he was glad they liked the name. Else who knows how long he would have spent naming them.

After spending some time, he put them all back in their respective pokeballs and finally layed in bed.

Mankey was caught, and tomorrow he would finally venture in Viridian Forest.

Who knows how it will end up, According to nurse Joy, whom he asked about the forest, it would take 2 days and a night to cross the forest in a normal speed. So he better stock himself with pokeballs, potions and antidotes before leaving.

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