Pokemon: Nexus of worlds

Chapter 8: Max vs Reina

"Are you ready Max?"

"Yes, Go, Charmander!"

Reina and Max stood face to face against each other, beginning their battle.

So... What's your Pokemon gonna be... Reina!

Reina brings her hands to the pokeball on her waist and throws the ball on air.

"Torchic, you are up!"

The pokeball snaps open and out comes torchic, the fire chicken Pokemon.

Torchic lands on the ground on it's tiny feet, looking at Charmander with it's narrowed eyes.


First Froakie now Torchic, what's up with this other reason peoples.

"Charmander, Scratch!"


With its battle cry, Charmander ran toward torchic.

Yes, Charmander is faster then torchic generally, but not for the entire battle, it's best to end the battle as soon as possible before the situation gets out of hand.

"Torchic, dodge!"

Torchic tried to dodge, but before it could even react, charmander had already closed the distance and attacked.


Torchic, cries in pain but hold it's ground.

"Good, Charmander, keep going,"

"Torchic, use sand attack!"


Charmander was about to ongo it's slaughtered, but Torchic, raising it's feet sprinkled sand all over Charmander face and eyes.

Charmander holding it's eyes steps back a little, and torchic finally gained a small amount if distance.

Not good!

Max sneered under his breath, few turns hace already gone, So Torchic is definitely faster now thanks to its ability Speed boost, if it keeps going on then the battle would be over and charmander won't even get to scratch.

Without a doubt, Torchic and Reina was more formidable foe then Hugo, yes Hugo posed more threat at beginning, but he was predictable, but Reina... She will be more hard to defeat longer the battle will drag on.

But what caught Max's eyes was Charmander, it's performance, it was able to guide it's body better and had better force packed on its attacks. It must have leveled up from previous battle.

If only I could activate Solar power somehow.

But again, even if he did activate Solar power, would it have made any difference? Considering Torchic already resist the fire type moves and not to mention have higher level with exponentially increasing speed and no way to change it's type... Was there even a spark of hope for him? Without a doubt, he was fighting a losing batte.

Wait, I can!

"Charmander! Growl."


Charmander growled with it's full force.

Yes, if a enemy is too fast, then lower it's attack, lower it enough so it's just a light hitting fast rabbit.

"Not on my watch! Torchic peck!"

Torchic closed the distance in a blinding speed, appearing in front of charmander in mere seconds.

"No way, Charmander Growl!"

Torchic was too close, trying dodging would be futile against a foe of that speed, so what to do? Lower it's attack even further.

But before Chamander could even react, Torchic already unleashed it's fury, pecking Charmander, once, twice, thrice, again and again, each peck coming with even higher speed, and before long, Charmander was already a peaking bag.

Dust rose from all side as it wrap them both.

"Torchic finish this with Scratch!"

Torchic backflips to it's original place and dashes towards charmander again, angling itself for a critical hit.


Charmander opens it's eyes and taking a long breath, fires off a thick black smoke off it's mouth.

The smoke engulfs Torchic whole, unfazed, Torchic keeps running, trying to finish the battle at once. But as it entered from one side, it exists from other, confused, looking around to find Charmander.

"Charmander, Scratch!"

Charmander jumps from the smoke screen, jumping towards torchic in full force.

"Torchic, jump!"

Torchic jumps in midair, avoiding Charmander's attack.

"Charmander! use Ember!"

Charmander taking long breath unleashes it's fire attack.

Torchic now midair unable to dodge, gets hit.

Nice, although it won't do much damage, it's still something.

Torchic lands on it's feet, taking long breath and trembling.

Same for Charmander, it was in no good shape either.

"Sigh, I see, Torchic, let's finish this for real,"

Torchic nods and immediately, with it's blinding speed closed the distance.

"Charmander! Quick use-"

"Not again! Torchic, use Scratch!"

Torchic ongoes it's slaughter of Scratches one after another, a move Reina picked up from Charmander, it decreases the attack potency of the move drastically but keeps doing consistent damage for as long as it keeps hitting, perfect move for a pokemon like torchic with boosted speed, where it can land several barrage in one go.

After the final blow, Torchic lands back on its place, Charmander now unable to move even a muscle, finally falls down on it's knees, it's eyes following a spiral pattern marking it's inability to continue fighting.


Max runs to Charmander, worry and anxiety filling him immediately.

"Are you fine?"

Charmander opens its trembling eyes, and muster a weak smile with a low growl.


Seeing Charmander not heavily injured, Max sighs in relief.

"You did great buddy, way better then I hoped for!"

"Torchic Return!"

Reina withdraws Torchic and walks towards Max, "you should get her to Pokemon Centre."

Max nods, still looking at Charmander he rose up and is about to head towards the Pokemon centre but...

"Max...Wait... "

"Huh? Is something wrong?"

Max said, now turning towards her.

"I... Will you be my rival?" She said, her face fully red as she looked at ground fidgeting with her fingers.


Max was surprised, an experienced and well trainer like her asking him to be her Rival, that was a great feat on itself alright.

Reina blushed even more as she looked at the side, before nodding slowly.

"Yes, I am taking the gym challenges as well, so... I was hoping if we could be... Y'know... Rivals..."

"B-but no force though, it's understandable if you don't wish to... So... Will you?"

Her soft and shy voice immediately takes shaky and agitated before returning back to shy agian, she was blushing so much her whole face was red, it was a cute sight alright.

"Sure, I would love that!"

Reina heart skips a beat at his word, she looks at him to see if he was teasing her but his gentle smile warms her heart instead.

"But I had a question though."

"A... Question?"

Reina tilts her head at Max's interruption.

"Yea, you see, yesterday I saw Rio holding a... You know, shiny stone like thing..."

Max tried to put his words without making obvious he was talking about the Keystone, he himself wasn't sure if what he saw yesterday was what he thinks he saw.

Reina eyes widens in realisation.

"Oh... You mean this?"

She said as she reached out her hands to her necklace which was hiding inside her T-shirt and gently tugs it out.

Without a doubt, it was a keystone being hung as a necklace.

"Yea... That...mind telling me about it?"

Reina slowly grips the key stone in a tight grip, some bad memories of her past flowing in.

She looks at him again, wondering if she can trust him.

"You see, this is a key stone... Ahem, Mega stone that is passed down to our descendants, there are three, me and other two from our family are chosen as it's successor."

Her grip tightens even further. She suddenly realise where she was and immediately shakes off her thoughts and returns back to her normal demeanor.

"So... What you saw yesterday was ny little brother trying to stop me from starting ny journey, he thought stealing and running away with this stone will be enough to stop me from starting my journey, so I gave him a little smack on the head and he understood it."

She said with a little sneaky smile.

"But why would he try to stop you?"

Max asked further, now engrossed in her story.

Reina was slightly surprised at his enthusiasm to know her further... It almost made her feel... Happy?

"Ad you might have guessed, I am originally not from Kanto, Me and my family is from Hoenn, A lot of things happened and I decided to start my journey in Kanto,"

"My brother was... A little too attached to me and guess he didn't wanted to say good bye to his big sister."

She added with a little sheepish laugh at the end. But it immediately died down at the flashback of that day.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome to the official match between the champions of two regions.

Let's see who is the best!

On the left we have The Champion of Kanto and Jhoto!

The dragon master himself! Champion Lance!!

And on the Right side we have a newly dubbed champion of Hoenn,

Don't get fooled by their appearance as they are mad strong!

Welcome the The Weather Master!!


"Oi, Reina!"

Reina snaps opens at Max's intrusion.

"H.. Huh!"

"Are you fine?"

Reina blinks, she waves her hands dismissivly, "Y.. Yea I am fine!"

"Are you sure?" Max asked, his vouce having a trace of concern.

"Yea, I am fine, don't worry about me, Quick you should go heal your Charmander first."

Max wanted to ask more, but understanding the situation he just nods and leaves, sparing a final glance at her before leaving.

She sighed in relief, she turned around and makes her way towards the Viridian Forest.

The event still lingering in her mind.


And We have the winner!

It might be the most one sidded match in the history of Pokemon!

And the winner with no casualties is,

The champion of Hoenn!!

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