Pokemon: Nexus of worlds

Chapter 11: Evolutions

"Caterpie!, Tackle!"

Caterpie jumps with it's small legs towards the Weedle in front of it. Crashing it's head on it and slamming it straight on the tree.

"Weedle!" Cried it's trainer, as he ran towards the Weedle and hold it close to him. "Are you ok?"

The Weedle slowly opens it's eyes and musters a weak smile.

Yup, Caterpie have won itself yet another battle. No wonder, bug Pokemon growth was really exponential, and caterpie and Weedle growth were terrifying.

They have gotten from "yet another bug" to probably the strongest in this forest.

The forest was full of many Bugcathers, they were weak and inexperienced, perfect experience farm for fast growing Pokemon such as Weedle and Caterpie.

"Good job Caterpie," Max said, caressing the top of it's head ad it leaned and squirmed in delight.


It was another victory for caterpie, if things go this way, it was only matter of time before Caterpie evolves.

Just as he thought that, A strange glow begins emitting from caterpie, slowly it's physical shape begins to mold and harden, and as the glow vanishes, Caterpie had evolved into Metapod.


[Metapod have been registered to your pokedex!]

Max was shocked, it was his first evolution he had witnessed ever since he came to this world, it was almost... Magical.

The otherworldly energy it emitted, and the way it changed shape was almost unreal. Despite witnessing with his very eyes, Max was still reluctant to believe it, it was really different then what games and anime have created the image in his mind. The sheer energy he felt while the process was almost divine.

No wonder, what Max witnessed was extremely rare, majority of the people in this world weren't trainers, yes they lived with Pokemon, but it was more like pets.

And even amongst the small percentage who were trainers, most of them would never witnessed the evolution phenomenon in their lives.

The numbers would narrow down to less then a percentage of population in this world, and if considering the evolution of their own Pokemon, the number would lessen further. Max was among the 1 percentage.

The bug kid's eyes widened, it was the second time he had witnessed the evolution, and the last was few months back with his friend's.

He rises up on his feet and speaks, "Let's continue our battle!"

Max breaking out his trance, nods, withdrew Metapod and unleashes Weedle.


The Kid takes his stance and throw his ball, "Go! Metapod!"

So Metapod huh..

Max narrow his eyes, he have fought that Pokemon many times by now so he could wasn't surprised.

It was yet another cocoon Pokemon, a Pokemon that could barely even move.

"Metapod! Harden!"

Yea, that's pretty much all it could do, harden it's crust. But unlike games, the stats raising wasn't limited to merely 6 times, one could raise their stats indefinitely, that's why Pokemon with stats highering abilities like Speed Boost Torchic were so terrifying.

Although Metapod didn't have much base defense to start with, but it's defense would double after two Hardens,triple after four and quadruple after six, so it was good for exhausting their foes.

But, it was only on physical side, it was still a glass canon on the special side, so one ember from Kaen will end it's life if the battle started dragging too long.

And beside, Max had fought this unmoving cocoon so much, he had his own way to deal with it now.

"Weedle! Stringshot!"


Weedle knew exactly what to do, again, it wasn't games were moves were only able to do what they were coded to. It was real life, so real where he can utilize the move in his own creative way.

Weedle understanding the command, unleashed it's string, and wrapped it up around the Metapod, but it didn't let go of the other side, it still held it's grip with it's mouth.


Mustering all its strength, it started swinging the string around along with Metapod on it's far end. For your information, a Metapod weight around 9.9kg (21.8 lbs) whereas Weedle merely weighted to 3.2 kg (7.1 lbs).

Basically Weedle was currently lifting and swinging around a mon thrice it's weight.

It swung it's head along with Metapod on its end with no sign of stopping. The Metapod kept swinging and kept crashing on trees and rocks.

"The hell are you doing! Metapod Harden!"

He tried giving commands desperately to Metapod, but the constant rotational motion was beginning to get on Metapod ad it was starting to get dizzy and unable to follow the command.

"Metapod!" He cried again, desperate to make Metapod listen to him but it was of no use.

"Weedle now!"


Weedle lowered it's head and crashed the Metapod straight on ground with full force.



Weedle raised the Metapod again from the ground and slammed it on opposite side.






Finally, after few more seconds of bullying, Metapod finally succumbed, it's eyes now held the spiral pattern.

The Kid admitted his defeat, and left after picking up his Metapod, and of course, paying the ransom... Ahem, it almost sound bullying now.

The move was good, but it had exhausted Weedle too. After satisfied it had secured yet another safe victory, it cried in happiness.

Wee!! Eee...

Suddenly the same phenomenon took place for Weedle, it's body began emitting radiant glow and it's shaped changed drastically too.


And finally, the light subsided and what submerged was totally a different pokemon.

[Kakuna have been registered to your pokedex!]

Max happiness increased further, he have witnessed two evolution within span of five minutes, would it be considered world record?

But the happiness soon followed with a deeper concern, the evolution of those cacons was maximum of 3 levels away, maybe even less considering how over trained they were, it's high chance they chosed to evolve later then the threshold level.

But now real question arised of how he would reach the second threshold, both Metapod and Kakuna were almost immovable, so evolving them now would be harder then ever.

Sigh, it's a real drag.

Not to strain his mind more, he withdrew his pokemons back and started walking further ahead.

Would Switching work?

He pondered as he walked alone, right now every pokemon including Kaen was resting in their Pokeball, tired from all the running around and battling.


He have been walking for a while now and it was almost night time.

The sun was already below the horizon and the sky had begun to darken.

After a while of walking, Max reached a Tree. Looking around and satisfied with the location, he had decided it's gonna be his base for the night.

"Come out everybody!"

He throws his poke balls in air, bringing out all of his pokemons as it was almost time for dinner.

Shu as usual landed on it's favorite spot, Max's shoulder.


It chirped, fluttering it's wings.

Kaen came out and opened her eyes, she looked energetic now as she ran toward Max with her small legs.

Raiken, looked around and immediately ran toward Kakuna and Metapod, unfazed by their evolution, it picked them up, angling them in tree and began punching them like a punching bag.



He fixed his sleeping bag, which was going to be his bed for the night in this forest. Placing it just under the tree leaves so it would prevent the early sunrays from morning to fall directly under his face.

Yup, he wasn't a morning person.

After the dinner was done, he have brought his pokemons back to the poke balls as he didn't want any attraction of the wild bugs. He was around the center of the forest so it was apparent strong bugs would reside here, and attracting them here was the last thing he wanted.

And finally he closed his eyes, ready to end the long day.

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