The Blackblood Series

Chapter 5: 5. Not Love But A Game

My life changed after Veronica and I fell in love. Our love was so sweet, but there was one concern—I wasn't content with her. I couldn't control myself, so I ended up breaking the promise I made to my dad. My ways didn't change. My darkness pulled me to its deepest ends. It was just the beginning because I was back with Chris. A brother who had the same demon as mine. No one was warning the other. We were just acting without caring.

I realized our demons were unleashed when we agreed to turn our precious relationships into games. It didn't matter to me because even my relationship with Veronica came to because of a game. As long as we got a seduction feeling, life felt good. The fear of being caught was far from our conscience.

One evening, we locked ourselves in our room. We became the slaves to each other as we submitted our precious wills to each other. Renata was with me on my bed while Leticia was with Chris on his bed. It was a secret, which we hoped would die with us. After our intimate encounter, the girls dressed up and secretly went to their rooms.

When I was on my bed, trying to catch my breath, my phone rang, and I answered it. Jeff wanted us to meet at the cafeteria. I told Chris, who was then bathing, to do it fast. I also wanted to bathe before meeting Jeff. Chris finished, and I went to take a quick shower.

Within a few minutes, we were on our way to the cafeteria. From a distance, we saw Jeff kissing with another girl. We didn't clearly see who she was. Chris held my shoulders and told me to be steady in front of Jeff. He was not supposed to know we made love with his girlfriend. I told Chris that everything was in control. When we were closer to him, a girl with Jeff disappeared into the dark. Jeff greeted us from a distance, and he went to buy some snacks and drinks. Before we sat down, Chris followed Jeff to buy cigarettes.

After that, we went down the grid, where there was a suitable spot to sit and talk confidentially. There, we chilled, chatted, and ate. Chris and Jeff were continuously exchanging their cigarette as our conversation led us to talk about the computer nerds—Marcos and Kelvana. We wanted them to suffer. Our plans were patiently going to lead to that outcome. After our long chat, Jeff and Chris suggested we go outside the college to have a few bottles of whiskey. Chris knew I was a virgin in smoking or drinking alcohol. He tried to persuade me to join them, but I was a hard nut. They went their way while I took my way back to my room.

When I entered my room, Veronica was already there. It was when I realized Chris and I didn't lock the door when Jeff called us. We were lucky because we didn't leave Leticia and Renata in our rooms, and we had left after putting our room back to order. We even sprayed the room to displace the girls' perfumes. I went to join my girl in watching her movie. I lay next to her, and we cuddled. When we were about to fall asleep, she told me to wake her up early in the morning. As for Chris, I knew he wasn't showing up in the room that night.

When the morning came, I went to take my shower while Veronica went to her room. I took the early shower because I was preparing to see Mr. Cruz. I had an appointment with him. After dressing up, Chris showed up. He was overly drunk and threw himself onto his bed. I told him to take a shower before sleeping, and he listened. Thereafter, when the sun pitched up, I headed straight to the dean's office.

From a distance, I could see through the opened curtains that Mr. Cruz wasn't alone in his office. I knocked on the door, and he allowed me to get inside. He was with a stunning woman. I greeted him, and he responded friendly. Without wasting time, he introduced the woman with him as Ms. Gunday. She was going to be my writing teacher. I became so happy, shaking hands with her. She loosened her cheeks as she gave me a smile that was half-filled with blushing.

After the introductions, she told me she once read some of my articles. Her words made me shoot over the moon. The dean told me to lead Ms. Gunday to her office. I didn't hesitate to take her there. She was dressed in a white dress, which was touching her knees, and it made her complexion appear brighter. With no doubt, anyone would have said she was twenty, judging by her small, sexy stature. When we were walking to her office, I couldn't stop my eyes from admiring her. Her spectacles were hiding her eyes, making it look like she was shy every time I made her smile.

After showing her the office, I left her putting her things in order after she took my phone number. She said she was going to text me on the way forward about my lessons. I thanked the heavens for her presence because writing classes was the only way to secure my scholarship.

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