Chapter 17: Chapter 17 First Day Out of Home
Minutes earlier.
Izuna: "Brother, I don't doubt your abilities as a leader, but I've been talking with Jomei for a long time."
Madara: "I know, his idea isn't completely wrong, but I still believe Hashirama won't break his commitment."
Izuna: "Do you still believe his words after that day at the river? Even after what happened recently?" he asked, utterly bewildered.
Madara clenched his fists tightly. "That's why I gave him permission to recruit other clans on his own, although I doubt they'll be as useful as he thinks."
Izuna: "Even so, what would have happened if he and his companions didn't have that medical jutsu?" This time, his attitude seemed truly annoying.
Not wanting to continue listening to his brother, Madara took a scroll out of one of the drawers and handed it to Izuna.
Madara: "Although I don't want to accept it, the boy has a point, but I don't want his ego to inflate and he begins to develop an attitude that puts the clan members at risk."
As he read the contents of the scroll, Izuna realized a question he had been asking himself ever since he gave Jomei permission to negotiate alliances with the clans.
Izuna: "Why did you give him permission to recruit clans?"
Madara: "In a way, the boy is right. Although it might not go as he plans, due to the support of the Hagoromo clan, our casualties were lower during that time."
At that moment, Izuna's expression changed, and he met with a look of bewilderment. So much so that he didn't hear his brother's last words.
Izuna: "Brother, this request."
Madara: "Yes, I don't find it reliable; too much information is missing."
Izuna: "Will you accept this mission?"
Madara: "I would have. But the question Jomei raised..."
Izuna: "But what about the mission?"
Madara: "I never received this mission." He replied with a malicious smile.
With a shiver running through his body, Izuna left the room, leaving Madara immersed in his thoughts.
Thinking it over carefully, just as had happened with the three clans, Tobirama would have organized an intervention in this situation, ensuring that the peace would only last a few months.
If this were to happen, the military manpower would be somewhat reduced, according to the pregnancy data collected over the past few months.
Which reminded Madara of Jomei's words, where he emphasized the rapid breach of this peace.
Furthermore, he gave the order to keep an eye on the Sarutobi and Shimura clans, simply hoping the boy was wrong, but he didn't want to leave this matter to chance.
If Jomei was correct, I could become a commander in the future; his predictive ability could be beneficial on the battlefield.
For my part, I went to tell my family and friends that I would have to leave on a mission, from which I didn't know when I would be able to return.
My friends were completely depressed, since we had decided to form a group.
It's worth remembering that, at that time, groups were organized based on the coordination of young ninjas, compared to the Leaf Village, where they were organized based on their ninja skills and knowledge, where they were balanced in a certain way. In that village, teams from the same clan couldn't be organized, much less with the best ninjas of each generation.
But even so, I had to complete this mission, but not before giving them one last proposal, which was to find a group of ninjas who met certain requirements.
These will be the level of their training, their theoretical knowledge, and finally, their power level.
I spoke to them in detail about each of these characteristics. Not everyone agreed with this, but I insisted on this point. Kotetzu and Fuyuko were the only ones who understood why I was doing it.
Indeed, it was to increase our group's quantity and quality. Although we had all undergone the same training, the difference between each of them was evident.
First, they would evaluate these metrics they had been told about, then form teams, in which they would try to lead those groups.
Should the chosen ninjas be in danger, they could use the jutsus they had learned to save their lives.
Once I finished speaking with them, it was time to say goodbye to my family. My mother was very happy that I was carrying out my first mission, this being the most important.
According to what you told me, the first mission is meticulously evaluated, because it's where they assess your military rank. So I wish you the best.
As for Kazuko, well, she was still Kazuko, but this time, she handed me a large number of books, which she gave me in a scroll with a storage seal.
This made transportation much easier. It's worth noting that I wasn't very happy about having to study away from home, but I'd do it anyway. Mainly to save myself from one of her attacks.
When I finally finished saying goodbye to everyone, I headed to the clan gates, where, surprisingly, Lord Isamu was standing.
Jomei: "Hello, Lord Isamu, do you have any further instructions for the mission?" I asked, since his presence seemed very strange to me.
Isamu: "No, this time I'll be your guide. Apparently, young Izuna is worried you might get lost." He said this as he walked toward the clan gates.
This information took me by surprise, but I internally thanked Izuna, because this would make things a little easier for me; clearly, no one would take a 5-year-old seriously in a negotiation proposal.
After handing the relevant paperwork to the gatekeepers, we began to distance ourselves from the clan.
As we advanced deeper and deeper into the trees, I felt a sense of lightness.
After advancing until sunset, we decided to camp, so we built a campfire.
Isamu: "We should hunt some game to feed ourselves."
It seemed a little strange to me because we had just left the clan, and there were various food items in my backpack.
Jomei: "Lord Isamu, I have my food in my backpack. I think this will do for now." At that moment, I took out some food rations.
Isamu: "Okay, I'll go hunting." After saying this, his afterimage remained in front of me for a few moments.
Being completely alone, I decided to light the fire, so I began to grill the meat once the fire was stable enough.
While the meat was heating, I began to walk around, observing my surroundings, marveling.
Even the colors of some of the tree leaves caught my attention; it being the middle of autumn, the views were absolutely breathtaking.
At this moment, I wish I had a phone to take a picture of such a beautiful view.
Jomei: "It's been too long, Mr. Isamu." Apparently, Mr. Isamu hadn't returned, and it had been about 30 minutes.
As I stretched out my arm to reach one of the pieces of meat that was grilling, a kunai was suddenly sent my way from a bush about 20 meters away.
The sound of this one came much later, so the kunai had already reached my face by the time I turned my vision in that direction.
The last thing I could see was the kunai in front of my eyes, but when it hit my skull, the sound it made was a dull thud. A thick cloud of smoke billowed out from the area, followed by a second, similar sound.
When the object fell, it was clearly seen to be a log, which had been hit by the kunai.
I then appeared at the top of a tree and threw a kunai at the source of the attack.